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The Northern Antiquarian Forum

Archaeology, folklore & myth of Britain's pre-christian sites & heritage: stone circles, holy wells, maypoles, tombs, archaic cosmologies and human consciousness. Everyone welcome - even Southerners!

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    High Law cairn, Mereclough - query


    Join date : 2009-08-20
    Location : Yorkshire

    High Law cairn, Mereclough - query Empty High Law cairn, Mereclough - query

    Post  Paulus Wed Jun 22, 2011 5:14 pm

    I'm hoping some of you Lancashire folk can help with this one. I picked up a copy of Partington's Danes in Lancs & Yorks book t'other day and read summat I've not come across before, about some prehistoric cairn atop of, or adajcent to, Round Hill - the site of a prehistoric enclosure between Mereclough & Hurstwood. He said:

    "On Round Hill, down to one hundred years ago, stood a cairn on High Law. When the stones were made use of to mend the roads, a skeleton was found underneath."

    Does anyone have anymore info about this?

    Cheers - Paul

    High Law cairn, Mereclough - query Empty Re: High Law cairn, Mereclough - query

    Post  Guest Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:09 am

    It was the lancashire hide and seek champion! Not a bright lot from Lancashire.



    Join date : 2011-02-10
    Age : 67
    Location : Nelson - the one in Lancashire sorry to say!

    High Law cairn, Mereclough - query Empty High Law cairn, Mereclough - query.

    Post  Sunbright57 Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:09 am

    Eh up, there's lots of stuff worth looking at over that way, got a bit forgotten me thinks. John and t'others know about these sites. Sounds interesting though. Us Lancashire bods need be careful when approaching Yorkshire border. I have already sent a fully armoured helicopter gunship over to Oakworth !!! affraid

    Join date : 2011-02-10
    Age : 67
    Location : Nelson - the one in Lancashire sorry to say!

    High Law cairn, Mereclough - query Empty Re: High Law cairn, Mereclough - query

    Post  Sunbright57 Mon Jun 13, 2016 3:26 pm

    Ha ha that made me laugh, but sounds dreadful now. Helicopter gun ship has returned to base!

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