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The Northern Antiquarian Forum

Archaeology, folklore & myth of Britain's pre-christian sites & heritage: stone circles, holy wells, maypoles, tombs, archaic cosmologies and human consciousness. Everyone welcome - even Southerners!

    PENDLE CROSS - CUP MARKING + other man-made markings


    PENDLE CROSS - CUP MARKING + other man-made markings Empty PENDLE CROSS - CUP MARKING + other man-made markings

    Post  Guest Thu Jun 17, 2010 2:10 pm

    My picture shows me looking at the socket stone of the ancient Pendle Cross near the Nick of Pendle SD 769 384.

    Today I was up on Pendle once again, & when I came to he cross noticed a good CUP MARK on the south side. I also noticed other man-made markings upon the stone.

    Take a look when you next get up there.

    (cup mark just below my right hand in picture)



    Join date : 2009-08-20
    Location : Yorkshire

    PENDLE CROSS - CUP MARKING + other man-made markings Empty Re: PENDLE CROSS - CUP MARKING + other man-made markings

    Post  Paulus Sat Jun 19, 2010 6:52 pm

    lowergate wrote:My picture shows me looking at the socket stone of the ancient Pendle Cross near the Nick of Pendle SD 769 384.

    Today I was up on Pendle once again, & when I came to he cross noticed a good CUP MARK on the south side. I also noticed other man-made markings upon the stone.

    Take a look when you next get up there.

    (cup mark just below my right hand in picture)

    OK John - we'll see y' next Thursday if that's OK. I think the ErraticOne's gonna be calling at your place & we can take it from there.

    Cheers - Paul

    Join date : 2009-08-20
    Location : Yorkshire

    PENDLE CROSS - CUP MARKING + other man-made markings Empty Re: PENDLE CROSS - CUP MARKING + other man-made markings

    Post  Paulus Sat Jun 19, 2010 6:54 pm

    ...and is the standing stone of nearby Wymondhouses authentic? Any idea? The folklore makes it sound worthwhile. Izzit worth looking at?

    PENDLE CROSS - CUP MARKING + other man-made markings Empty Re: PENDLE CROSS - CUP MARKING + other man-made markings

    Post  Guest Sun Jun 20, 2010 12:02 am

    Jessica Lofthouse (the Three Rivers, 1948)

    in the fields below Wymondhouses

    This stone is still in place - the stone has weathering marks which was in legend linked to the finger and thumb prints of the Giant Ysbaddaden - said to be one of the stone spears he cast at those wanting the hand of Olwen.

    Join date : 2009-08-20
    Location : Yorkshire

    PENDLE CROSS - CUP MARKING + other man-made markings Empty Re: PENDLE CROSS - CUP MARKING + other man-made markings

    Post  Paulus Sun Jun 20, 2010 6:39 am

    lowergate wrote:Jessica Lofthouse (the Three Rivers, 1948)

    in the fields below Wymondhouses

    This stone is still in place - the stone has weathering marks which was in legend linked to the finger and thumb prints of the Giant Ysbaddaden - said to be one of the stone spears he cast at those wanting the hand of Olwen.

    That's the one John! I'd read about in Lofthouse & some other folklorist from the region and thought the site needed looking at. The folklore of marks on the rocks made me wonder about cup&rings, as found at some sites where such lore is known. Can we visit there this Thursday then? RU gonna be available?

    Cheers - Paul

    PENDLE CROSS - CUP MARKING + other man-made markings Empty Re: PENDLE CROSS - CUP MARKING + other man-made markings

    Post  Guest Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:05 am

    Hi Paul,

    yep. Thursday's OK - all the sites are located in mile radius

    PENDLE CROSS - CUP MARKING + other man-made markings Empty PENDLE

    Post  Guest Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:22 pm

    Hi Paul

    Are we on tomorrow?

    I shall be in Clitheroe c.1pm.


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    PENDLE CROSS - CUP MARKING + other man-made markings Empty Re: PENDLE CROSS - CUP MARKING + other man-made markings

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