The Northern Antiquarian Forum

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The Northern Antiquarian Forum

Archaeology, folklore & myth of Britain's pre-christian sites & heritage: stone circles, holy wells, maypoles, tombs, archaic cosmologies and human consciousness. Everyone welcome - even Southerners!

6 posters

    The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price


    Join date : 2009-01-29
    Location : Everywhere

    The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price - Page 2 Empty - Admin's Note -

    Post  Admin Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:54 am

    Hello -

    This entry is intended to highlight a complaint we've received regarding this thread (anonymously, so its veracity is somewhat questionable). It is quite accusatory and reads as follows:

    "Several of the posts here, and elsewhere on the forum, contain lies about individuals and about organizations (sic) in an attempt to undermine them. Quite why this is happening is beyond me, but it is obviously something that should not be allowed on a public forum..."

    There's more, but it is non-specific and anonymous - which leaves me with little alternative but to allow this thread to continue. Whatever the alleged "lies" are supposed to be, they are not specifically stated. But without open conversation and public refutation relative to any purported mistruths (which can be amicably and openly discussed on this public forum) the Administrators cannot - and will not - delete, nor reprimand, without the points raised being openly discussed. If, thereafter, the said allegations can be found to be untrue, or defamatory, the thread will be deleted.

    However, the Admins cannot and will not act upon anonymous and emotive messages. We live in a free society where open and honest discussions can thankfully be allowed and should be encouraged. This is something we should value and not undermine. In the event that certain issues become topics of conversation which some people would rather have suppressed - be it through guilt, criminal activities, or other immoral reasons - we cannot and will not condone such motions. This is public forum, not a political game-show.

    I would encourage the anonymous poster to start a discussion on whatever issue/s they deem misrepresentative. Heated discussions would not be suppressed - but as long as the discussion doesn't become openly abusive, I can assure you that no one will be banned. If this is not suitable, might I suggest that you switch channels and don't visit this site anymore.


    The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price - Page 2 Empty Re: The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price

    Post  Juamei Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:13 am

    I was gonna keep schtum, but as my name has been mentioned... I joined this forum purely due to an interest in prehistory in the north of the country prior to a possible move north again at some point in the future. I have a site or two I'd like to discuss already, but mostly I was getting the lie of the land.

    Sadly, some of you people seem to be semi obsessed with trashing members of HA and HA as an organisation for reasons I don't know or chose to understand. I could spend all day correcting the lies just in this thread, but it would make no difference to those of you perpetuating them. You believe what you want to believe and you lie as and when you chose to convince people that HA and its members are cast in the worst possible light.

    I have no interest in tit for tat muck spreading, so thanks but no thanks. Shame, as I have met at least two of you in person and spent many enjoyable hours in your company.

    Oh and for the record, Mike, you are correct, it is not and never will be Littlestone posting on this site. I assure you that 100%. The IP address of those posts almost certainly matches that of at least one of the other members of this forum. Also, I didn't make the anonymous complaint before that enters anyones minds.

    So long and thanks for all the pish.

    Join date : 2009-01-29
    Age : 32
    Location : West Yorkshire

    The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price - Page 2 Empty Re: The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price

    Post  mikki Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:16 am

    PeteG wrote:
    mikki wrote:
    PeteG wrote:voluntary.
    They were initialy financed when I gave them 50 Avebury Tour CD Roms to sell..

    Do they get any funding?
    Mikki x

    not that I am aware of but I would be suprised if they did as they would be shouting about it...

    So it is just a little hobby group then not a legitimate business or organization?

    Join date : 2009-01-29
    Location : Everywhere

    The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price - Page 2 Empty Re: The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price

    Post  Admin Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:11 am

    With regret the Admins have had to ban this poster - juamei - for obvious reasons:

    Juamei wrote:The IP address of those posts almost certainly matches that of at least one of the other members of this forum.

    This implies the individual concerned has been hacking, or trying to hack, the site. As we know, hacking websites and forums is illegal and the individual concerned has been reported to the relevant authorities. If this action (from a Heritage Action member) exemplifies the levels to which their group stoops, we can do without it.

    For the record: the character who poses on here as 'littlestone' has a verifiable independent IP address and is quite entitled to call him/herself 'littlestone' - just as other posters call themselves what they may. In the event that this individual breaches forum regulations (verifiable lies, hacking attempts, etc), s/he will be treated just as anyone else who contravenes such rules and be banned.

    Now can we please maintain a focus on megalithic and archaeological issues.


    Last edited by Admin on Mon May 31, 2010 5:38 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Join date : 2009-11-24

    The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price - Page 2 Empty Lies!

    Post  Littlestone Sun Feb 28, 2010 8:51 am

    This is for your information.
    HA is financed and run voluntarily by honest hardworking individuals who give up their time. We have a number of projects at the moment and more in the pipeline. We can not address all sites all over the land, criticism does not help. If all those hours of criticism and spewing bile by you lot had been focused on the conservation of sites we would be under less stress and strain.
    I can assure you Jamie was merely 'venting spleen' and with good reason after considerable provocation!
    I assure you no HA member would act either against the law or immorally!
    What do you people expect? I have been harrassed and maligned personally on numerous sites, blogs and posts. I have been accussed of many things which I will not repeat. It is these sad little people who hide under stones in these sad little forums creeping out to spew their venomous bile at innocent bystanders.
    Enough is enough!
    I am not a plagiarist!
    I am not involved with or have I been involved with fetishistic sexual perversions!
    I do not eat whale meat!
    Which ever vile little toad spews forth this libellous bile I can assure you, you will slip up, and when you do I shall be waiting to see justice served!
    You have been warned.


    Join date : 2009-02-01

    The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price - Page 2 Empty Re: The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price

    Post  PeteG Sun Feb 28, 2010 9:07 am

    Admin wrote:

    This implies the individual concerned has been hacking, or trying to hack, the site. As we know, hacking websites and forums is illegal and the individual concerned has been reported to the relevant authorities. If this action (from a Heritage Action member) exemplifies the levels to which their group stoops, we can do without it.


    I wonderded how they had access to people's IP.
    Notice how these HA folk hide behind nicknames all the time?

    Join date : 2009-02-01

    The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price - Page 2 Empty Re: The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price

    Post  PeteG Sun Feb 28, 2010 2:40 pm

    I am going to keep on at HA until they remove all of my photos,03,2005

    I have asked several times but they never respond so I'll keep on and on and on until they have all been removed...

    There is no mailing address or real names of those behind HA on the site so I can't send any legal papers to them.

    Join date : 2009-01-29
    Age : 32
    Location : West Yorkshire

    The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price - Page 2 Empty Re: The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price

    Post  mikki Sun Feb 28, 2010 3:55 pm

    PeteG wrote:I am going to keep on at HA until they remove all of my photos,03,2005

    I have asked several times but they never respond so I'll keep on and on and on until they have all been removed...

    There is no mailing address or real names of those behind HA on the site so I can't send any legal papers to them.

    I'll get back to you on this Pete Wink. I'll send you a PM with the information.

    Join date : 2009-01-29
    Age : 32
    Location : West Yorkshire

    The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price - Page 2 Empty Re: The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price

    Post  mikki Sun Feb 28, 2010 4:50 pm

    Littlestone wrote:.........
    I am not involved with or have I been involved with fetishistic sexual perversions!
    I do not eat whale meat!
    Which ever vile little toad spews forth this libellous bile I can assure you, you will slip up, and when you do I shall be waiting to see justice served!
    You have been warned.


    Is there something you want to share with us? I have just looked through every thread on this forum, and was unable to find any mention regarding your fetishistic sexual perversions. Sounds interesting though.

    Join date : 2009-01-29
    Age : 32
    Location : West Yorkshire

    The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price - Page 2 Empty Re: The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price

    Post  mikki Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:01 pm

    mikki wrote:
    PeteG wrote:I am going to keep on at HA until they remove all of my photos,03,2005

    I have asked several times but they never respond so I'll keep on and on and on until they have all been removed...

    There is no mailing address or real names of those behind HA on the site so I can't send any legal papers to them.

    I'll get back to you on this Pete Wink. I'll send you a PM with the information.

    Lemme know if there are any others you need.

    Join date : 2009-08-20
    Location : Yorkshire

    The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price - Page 2 Empty Re: The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price

    Post  Paulus Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:27 pm

    PeteG wrote:I am going to keep on at HA until they remove all of my photos,03,2005

    I have asked several times but they never respond so I'll keep on and on and on until they have all been removed...

    That seems a bit out of order Pete. No Would Heritage Action then be breaching copyright laws, or izzit theft? Although if they're stealing your material without permission, I imagine you're not the only one this has happened to. I know they seem very "closed shop" and talk behind closed doors - which surely can't be effective if they're reckoning to be sticking up for protecting ancient sites. I might have to do an article on them (if anyone's got any further titbits about this group, PM me). I s'ppose if they've any sense, or common decency, they'd publicly apologise and stop stealing other people's material. D' y' reckon they will?

    atb - Paul

    Join date : 2009-11-24

    The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price - Page 2 Empty Re: The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price

    Post  Littlestone Sat Mar 06, 2010 4:29 am

    Slander and Libel!

    Join date : 2009-02-01

    The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price - Page 2 Empty Re: The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price

    Post  PeteG Sat Mar 06, 2010 6:13 am

    Breach of copyright

    Join date : 2009-02-02

    The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price - Page 2 Empty heritage action

    Post  cropredy Sat Mar 06, 2010 1:12 pm

    I don't know much about this heritage action, I have gone over their home page etc but can only find one name, that of Jane tomlinson in E cards.
    I have met Jane and sensed Her as fine.
    Is there a list anywhere of who operates this ...whatever it is?
    I understood Mr Swift was head of this, and He's fine also.

    Of course we all react to others in response to how We find them personally with reference to ourselves, so others may think differently.
    Vive la difference.

    Join date : 2009-11-24

    The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price - Page 2 Empty Heritage action

    Post  Littlestone Mon Mar 08, 2010 2:49 pm

    Hello Cropredy,
    Why even read the baseless lies these imbeciles post? Jane is involved with HA and is one of my closest and most trusted friends, is this why she is lampooned and denigrated?
    HA is a completely transparent organisation and run on democratic lines, this is why MrG is no longer involved.
    I have consulted a solicitor and we are considering action. You have been warned!


    PS - I have had it brought to my attention that there are people/persons pretending to be me - "imitation is the sincerist form of flattery."

    Join date : 2009-02-02

    The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price - Page 2 Empty Re: The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price

    Post  cropredy Tue Mar 09, 2010 1:32 am

    Littlestone wrote:Hello Cropredy,
    Why even read the baseless lies these imbeciles post? Jane is involved with HA and is one of my closest and most trusted friends, is this why she is lampooned and denigrated?
    HA is a completely transparent organisation and run on democratic lines, this is why MrG is no longer involved.
    I have consulted a solicitor and we are considering action. You have been warned!


    PS - I have had it brought to my attention that there are people/persons pretending to be me - "imitation is the sincerist form of flattery."

    You could be littlestone, You could be a tiny pebble.
    The problem is, both hide.
    "Democratic lines"
    How can an organisation be such if it is run by those who hide?
    Either come out from under the pebble, or remain anonymouse and thus open season for any comment.
    All I asked is for a list of those who operate HA and it's structure, democratic surely has transpericacy( don't know if thats spelt reet, but We do say things as they sound up't hear)
    I am all ears awaiting to see who and what HA is, but it appears more akin to a masonic lodge than a "democratic " organisation.

    Join date : 2009-11-24

    The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price - Page 2 Empty HA

    Post  Littlestone Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:28 am


    No one is hiding, there is no conspiracy and yes it is a democratic organisation! What is the problem? Why do you people insist on attacking a group that only wants to serve your best interests?

    A few rumours and lots of misinformation works wonders, doesn't it Brigantia and Mr G? Either show us the proof or leave it now! As there is neither proof nor reason for suspicion I am quite happy to say 'put up or shut up'. This constitutes bullying and harrassment!


    Join date : 2009-02-01

    The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price - Page 2 Empty Re: The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price

    Post  PeteG Tue Mar 09, 2010 12:12 pm,03,2005

    Breach of copyright

    I'd love this to go to court!
    Bring it on mr & mrs anon

    Join date : 2009-02-02

    The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price - Page 2 Empty peek a boo

    Post  cropredy Tue Mar 09, 2010 1:56 pm

    Littlestone wrote:Cropredy,
    No one is hiding, there is no conspiracy and yes it is a democratic organisation!
    What is the problem?
    Why do you people insist on attacking a group that only wants to serve your best interests?
    A few rumours and lots of misinformation works wonders, doesn't it Brigantia and Mr G?
    Either show us the proof or leave it now!
    As there is neither proof nor reason for suspicion I am quite happy to say 'put up or shut up'
    This constitutes bullying and harrassment!


    As an outsider looking at the heritage action site, all I can say is WHO runs this?
    My name is Kevin bennington, I live in cropredy, nothing to hide, no problems.
    You call Yourself littlestone.. that can be anybody, or a group of anybodies, a team of anybodies.
    Cowards hide away.

    It's not as if PeteG and myself as busom buddies or anything, simply that if a group of people want to be taken seriously and expect others to help that which I am certain all on here the stones, portal and tma wish to preserve , how can You not be open and say who You are and who is involved with that publication ????
    If that went to court you would be ridiculed, who would be your lawyer, mickey mouse??
    I can understand the need to be somewhat anonymus so as not to attract personal intrusions, but any published organisation purporting to be "democratic"
    must be open with regards to members and positions in that organization, surely?

    It's all like a brian rix farce.

    Join date : 2009-11-24

    The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price - Page 2 Empty imbeciles

    Post  Littlestone Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:51 am


    You imbecilic, stunted, poisonous troll. Are you so incapable of independent thought that you become the agent of the juvenile chuckle brothers and spout their bile at innocent bystanders? Just because these two social misfits allow you to post your childish drivel on their marginalised pseudo-forum, don't think they have one atom of respect for you, nor interest in your Dr Who delusions!

    I will not stand for this kangaroo court. Nor will I answer to bullies and bigots!


    Join date : 2009-02-02

    The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price - Page 2 Empty Re: The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price

    Post  cropredy Wed Mar 10, 2010 2:42 pm

    Littlestone wrote:Cropredy,

    You imbecilic, stunted, poisonous troll. Are you so incapable of independent thought that you become the agent of the juvenile chuckle brothers and spout their bile at innocent bystanders? Just because these two social misfits allow you to post your childish drivel on their marginalised pseudo-forum, don't think they have one atom of respect for you, nor interest in your Dr Who delusions!

    I will not stand for this kangaroo court. Nor will I answer to bullies and bigots!


    That was funny.
    I like the word imbecilic, words have sort of resonance that I react to...imbecilic, i like it.
    "stunted, hmmmmm, I am not tall, but not in any way stunted.
    Troll, always makes Me think of trolley dollies on planes.
    Marginalised pseudo-forum.. now that makes me think of TMA, I have the honour of owning a barred off the TMA T'shirt, which was organised by whoever calls himself littlestone on there, that name always makes Me think of little dick, a sort of napolionic image I have of that jumped up pretend guru who thinks far toooooooo much of himself.
    So whether You are the real little dick, or a pretend little dick ?, thanks for the laugh.
    Dr who delusions, the thing is I am in no way deluded, and have natural abilities that most have no comprehension of, which must grate those who feel so superior, but are really tiny.
    It's not the matter that matters.
    Kevin the imbicile.

    Join date : 2009-02-01

    The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price - Page 2 Empty Re: The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price

    Post  PeteG Sun Mar 14, 2010 11:44 am

    We’re all familiar with the legend that Joseph of Arimathea visited Britain some time after the crucifixion; he is said to have planted his staff in the ground at Glastonbury, and it grew into the Glastonbury Thorn. But could Jesus have come here too? Did those feet in ancient times actually walk upon England’s mountains green? Dennis Price thinks so, and presents his beliefs in this book, rather unimaginatively subtitled “The greatest story never told”.

    The only evidence for the idea is the existence of folk tales from the West Country that Jesus visited there, but oddly these don’t form the largest part of Price’s case. Instead, in long, convoluted arguments he seeks to show that in his “missing years” between attending the temple at 12 and the commencement of his preaching around 30, Jesus must have been out of the country while learning his skills.

    For example, Jesus calmly slept on a ship during a storm (Mk 4:38). When did he learn such extraordinary seamanship? It could only have been in the rough waters of the Atlantic and the Channel when travelling to Britain. In his preaching Jesus was an impressive orator. He wouldn’t have learned this skill at the carpentry bench, so he must have learned it from the Druids in Britain. Jesus liked to go off into hilly places (Mt 14:22-3 etc); he must have learned to love such places when in Cornwall and Glastonbury.

    This is the level of the author’s argument throughout his book. With many speculative history books one suspects that the authors are well aware of the rhetorical tricks they are pulling, such as “possibly” in Chapter 3 becoming “probably” by Chapter 4 and established fact by Chapter 5. But in this book the arguments are so incredibly weak and the author so determined to pile assumption on assumption to reach his conclusions, one suspects he must actually believe them. There are several astonishingly speculative chapters about Stonehenge – “astonishingly” because the author claims to be an archaeologist and an expert on Stonehenge.

    In 2007 Price claimed to have found a lost Neolithic city in Wiltshire; he revealed this in a local newspaper – hardly peer-reviewed scientific research. Indeed, his scholarly understanding of archaeology seems on a par with his scholarly understanding of history, of folklore and of biblical studies; methodology in any of these disciplines appears to be a foreign concept.

    In folklore it’s not enough just to say that there are stories of Jesus visiting specific locations; you need to give the content and the context of the stories. You need to analyse and compare them to find common factors and differences, and development between them.

    And if you’re even going to think about suggesting the possibility of history within folk tales it’s essential to date the earliest known sources. If various versions of a folktale are quite common after a certain date but can’t be found before then, it’s a reasonable conclusion that this was when it originated.

    The stories of Joseph of Arimathea visiting Glastonbury, for example, can be dated back no earlier than William of Malmesbury in the early 12th century. But Price does none of this.

    Price’s completely literalist reading of the Bible is so simplistic it’s almost funny. Because Matt 27:60 says that Joseph put Jesus’s body “in his own new tomb, which he had hewn out of the rock” the author insists this means that Joseph himself “single-handedly quarried a tomb”, so must have been “extremely able-bodied”.

    He falls into one of the most basic errors of logic imaginable, that absence of evidence proves evidence of absence. Because in Julius Caesar’s account of the Druids “there’s no mention of idols of any kind”, by the very next page they are priests “who did not worship idols” and by the page after that they are a religion “shunning idol worship” and thus similar to the j*wish religion, and familiar and appealing to the young Jesus. Whether the Druids worshipped idols is not the point – it’s the author’s process of “reasoning”.

    The book is full of circular arguments, for example using stories from folklore as evidence for the truth of the folklore, and so concluding that “the evidence points toward Jesus having visited Priddy”, a village in Somerset.

    In the time-honoured tradition of speculative historians Price quotes other equally unscholarly writers saying the same things, as if this constitutes proof of his assertions. He also creates connections out of whole cloth. For example, he says that because “Stonehenge stands just beneath the summit of a sloping hill ... any resident supernatural entity would have had a title such as “the Lord of the High Place”. He then asserts that while Beelzebub was “most often known as ‘the Lord of the Flies’, the name most likely derives from the words Baal – zebul, literally ‘the Lord of the High Place’”. And lo and behold, in Mark 3:22 the Pharisees accuse Jesus of associating with Beelzebub. QED: Jesus spent time at Stonehenge.

    After a few more equally specious arguments the author says of the idea that Jesus visited Stonehenge that “even a cursory study of the facts transforms this captivating image from an impossibility to pretty much a foregone conclusion”. Right...

    Towards the end of his book Price says: “I find it shocking that no concerted attempt has been made to investigate the ‘missing years’ of Jesus, a period that surely constitutes the greatest enigma in human history.”

    Let’s ignore the hyperbole. Price appears to be unaware of a number of books (and an even larger number of websites) which explore Jesus’s so-called “missing years” in great, albeit speculative, detail.

    Join date : 2009-02-02

    The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price - Page 2 Empty Re: The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price

    Post  cropredy Mon Mar 15, 2010 7:22 am

    I don't think You like this price bloke ?
    Isn't it about time to consider that there was no jesus, that it's all a story that repeats and repeats?
    mithras, krishna and horus are all similer.
    That the missing years as such are merely reflections of time periods where knowledge and the ability to interact with the creative forces eases away, to re-appear in different geometries and time spans as certain individuals suddenly connect into the system in a higher knowledge and ability range than normal?

    That as humans We have all the ability to achieve this elevated state, but it may require precise location and atunement to those geometries to attain such?
    hence anyone coming to Glastonmbury may well achieve such atunement?
    But the person involved needs to have specific geometries about themselves to FIT and blend into the nodal points geometries, not just anyone, very specific beings?
    No need for such a long conveluted reply , I already have guessed your feelings towards me.
    Have a nice day.

    The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price - Page 2 Empty ONE FOR THE POT

    Post  Guest Mon Mar 15, 2010 2:41 pm

    To the reclusive mystic language is too knowing a medium through which to express the ineffable. They seek to find a direct and instinctual channel of communication. Only by taking away the tools of consciousness can one learn ones own truths. The invention of formal learning caused the human race to loose the capacity for memory. The wanderer attempts to heal that rift and reconnect with the world of collective myth and intuitive understanding.

    There is a thing indistinctly formed,
    Existing before heaven and earth.
    Silent and void
    It stands alone and does not change,
    Circulates but does not weary.
    It is disposed to be the mother of the world.
    I know not its name
    So I express it ‘the way’.
    (Lao Tzu)

    Let us all hope that the good Mr Price makes pots & pots of money from his Jesus Travel Book - we should all take a leaf out of his book and use it as a bookmark to remind us all that we could at anytime have done the same - POWER TO YOUR ELBOW MR DENNNNNIS PRICE LOOK-A-LIKE!

    Best regards


    Join date : 2009-01-29
    Age : 32
    Location : West Yorkshire

    The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price - Page 2 Empty Re: The Missing Ears of Jesus - Dennis Price

    Post  mikki Mon Mar 22, 2010 7:11 am

    cropredy wrote:
    Isn't it about time to consider that there was no jesus, that it's all a story that repeats and repeats?
    Have a nice day.

    Kevin - once upon a time a long time ago, there was a religious woman whom after having an affair got herself up the duff! her dumb-fuck hubby (also religious), was convinced that this ere woman must have performed some sorta miracle as it definitley was not his. After a couple of months they told everybody (all religious fruit-cakes)that this was the child of God and the idiots beleived it

    Tis a bit like Tony Blair saying Iraq has weapons of mass destruction and everybody beleives him (or Like something from a Jeremy Kyle Show).

    Anyway this ere bastard child was born but they (been religious folk they couldn't tell the locals that as he would have been an out-cast) instead of telling the truth, they carried on telling the lies.

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