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The Northern Antiquarian Forum

Archaeology, folklore & myth of Britain's pre-christian sites & heritage: stone circles, holy wells, maypoles, tombs, archaic cosmologies and human consciousness. Everyone welcome - even Southerners!

    Circular monument crop-marks west of Sheffield


    Join date : 2009-08-20
    Location : Yorkshire

    Circular monument crop-marks west of Sheffield Empty Circular monument crop-marks west of Sheffield

    Post  Paulus Sat Jan 09, 2010 6:46 am

    This one might be of interest of MegaDread. I was going over the ground we went walking over the moors at Ash Cabin Flat, checking the aerial views of where we went (at Ash Cabin, there are 2 other 'ring-cairn' structures where we looked), and found this curious ringwork:

    Circular monument crop-marks west of Sheffield Crawsh10

    It doesn't appear to be logged in the archaeo-surveys and can be found at SK 255 891, here: - just above Crawshaw Farm. 'Crawshaw' has one of 2 meanings: one relating to crows, the other relating to a settlement.

    I doubt there's owt left to see at ground level, but y' never know. There's more stuff further up the track to Ughill.

    Circular monument crop-marks west of Sheffield Empty Re: Circular monument crop-marks west of Sheffield

    Post  Guest Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:17 am

    Well spotted mate.
    Can't say i've walked that area and as you say probably nowt on the ground anyway.
    One for a summer walk i'd say.

    Join date : 2009-08-20
    Location : Yorkshire

    Circular monument crop-marks west of Sheffield Empty Re: Circular monument crop-marks west of Sheffield

    Post  Paulus Thu Jan 28, 2010 5:17 pm

    megadread wrote:Well spotted mate.
    Can't say i've walked that area and as you say probably nowt on the ground anyway.
    One for a summer walk i'd say.

    There's a couple of other remains not far north of here that stand out on aerial view. One's quite distinct & looks like a burial. Needs checking over. Once the clocks change again in abaat 8 weeks, we're gonna have a venture down your way to have a look round for a coupla days. It'd be good to meet up again if you're up for it? I really wanna look round the New Hagg standing stone region again. Got some references for a coupla holy wells nearby which I wouldn't mind scouting for aswell.

    atb - Paul

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