The Northern Antiquarian Forum

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The Northern Antiquarian Forum

Archaeology, folklore & myth of Britain's pre-christian sites & heritage: stone circles, holy wells, maypoles, tombs, archaic cosmologies and human consciousness. Everyone welcome - even Southerners!

8 posters

    Lowergate has died.


    Join date : 2010-12-25

    Lowergate has died. Empty Lowergate has died.

    Post  deadagaindave Thu Sep 20, 2012 5:42 am

    Lowergate, John Dixon of Blackburn and Clitheroe, passed away suddenly last night.
    John was a devoted antiquarian of renown. His numerous publications, including the ‘Journey Through Brigantia’ had many admirers, among whom was Her Majesty The Queen. As his contributions to this site evince, those of us who cherish the ancient places, are poorer for his demise.
    To call John a ‘character’ would be a flimsy understatement. At least 50% of the laughter I have known in my life can be attributed to his hilarious words and actions.

    Join date : 2012-09-20

    Lowergate has died. Empty RIP

    Post  Ledger Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:55 am

    Fly free John, over your beloved landscape. Ledger & Karen

    Join date : 2011-02-10
    Age : 67
    Location : Nelson - the one in Lancashire sorry to say!

    Lowergate has died. Empty Re: Lowergate has died.

    Post  Sunbright57 Thu Sep 20, 2012 11:51 am

    Yes I have just been informed of the death of John Dixon who was a wonderful friend to me. I'm so sad and also shocked at this news. Don't know what to say. R.I.P John Dixon known as Lowergate.

    Join date : 2010-12-25

    Lowergate has died. Empty Re: Lowergate has died.

    Post  deadagaindave Fri Sep 21, 2012 7:22 am

    I know for a fact Sunbright, that your interests in holy wells and similar local sites, led John to feel that he had found a true soul mate in you. He held you in the highest esteem.

    Join date : 2011-02-10
    Age : 67
    Location : Nelson - the one in Lancashire sorry to say!

    Lowergate has died. Empty Re: Lowergate has died.

    Post  Sunbright57 Fri Sep 21, 2012 10:27 am

    That's very kind of you to say that Dave. John had given me the nickname St Sunbeam, but I'm no saint, far from it. But, I know John valued me as a "good friend" and I myself valued John as a good friend. I'm not sure what we'll do without him because his knowledge of ancient sites in this area (Lancashire) was second to none. I will miss him very much, we all will miss him. A great loss indeed. Ray.

    Join date : 2011-02-10
    Age : 67
    Location : Nelson - the one in Lancashire sorry to say!

    Lowergate has died. Empty Re: Lowergate has died.

    Post  Sunbright57 Fri Sep 21, 2012 1:24 pm

    Here is a photo that I took of John Dixon (Lowergate) explaining the prehistory of Castercliffe hillfort near Nelson, Lancashire, on the 4th August 2012.
    Lowergate has died. John_d10

    Join date : 2011-05-29
    Location : Earby used to be in Yorkshire

    Lowergate has died. Empty John Dixon

    Post  QDanT Sun Sep 23, 2012 3:11 am

    Lowergate has died. G_zpsd54954c3

    I drank a few bottles of wine in the hills with John,on expeditions, and feel privileged to have known him,
    and the tales of his Siberian wilderness trip, when he came for a meal, were enthralling. He’ll be missed.

    clickable thumbnails

    Lowergate has died. Th_j_zps166df7ed
    Lowergate has died. Th_h_zpsec0a2b90
    Lowergate has died. Th_f_zpsd5229b92
    Lowergate has died. Th_e_zps8a1ab4c8
    Lowergate has died. Th_d_zpsa8e922c7
    Lowergate has died. Th_c_zpsa2fd88cc
    Lowergate has died. Th_b_zpsca391258
    Lowergate has died. Th_a_zpsfaccfc00
    Lowergate has died. Th_005g_zpsf8a678e5
    Lowergate has died. Th_005e_zps39840781
    Lowergate has died. Th_004c_zps17b868d7

    John amongst friends

    Lowergate has died. I_zps295b1f93

    Join date : 2011-02-10
    Age : 67
    Location : Nelson - the one in Lancashire sorry to say!

    Lowergate has died. Empty Re: Lowergate has died.

    Post  Sunbright57 Sun Sep 23, 2012 1:08 pm

    Thank you Danny, we will miss him so much.

    Join date : 2009-02-02

    Lowergate has died. Empty Re: Lowergate has died.

    Post  cropredy Sun Sep 23, 2012 2:19 pm

    I only knew this man from all I read of and by Him upon here, I really liked what I experienced .
    The loss is ours, especially those who knew Him well.
    He has left His Earthly vehicle, which is but temporary.
    What a loss, to those still here.
    A sad Cropredy.
    I will link to a song associated with such times.

    Join date : 2011-02-10
    Age : 67
    Location : Nelson - the one in Lancashire sorry to say!

    Lowergate has died. Empty Re: Lowergate has died.

    Post  Sunbright57 Sun Sep 23, 2012 3:21 pm

    Thank you Cropredy. I have notified Meg Portal editor in case you were wondering as John was a contributor on there. Will notify them further with regards to the funeral. No date set as yet.

    Join date : 2011-05-29
    Location : Earby used to be in Yorkshire

    Lowergate has died. Empty Any more news ?

    Post  QDanT Tue Sep 25, 2012 12:41 pm

    Lowergate has died. A

    Lowergate has died. B

    Lowergate has died. C

    Lowergate has died. D

    Lowergate has died. E

    Lowergate has died. F

    Lowergate has died. G

    Lowergate has died. H


    Join date : 2011-05-29
    Location : Earby used to be in Yorkshire

    Lowergate has died. Empty No News ?

    Post  QDanT Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:29 am

    Lowergate has died. JohnDixon28x6

    Join date : 2011-02-10
    Age : 67
    Location : Nelson - the one in Lancashire sorry to say!

    Lowergate has died. Empty Re: Lowergate has died.

    Post  Sunbright57 Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:49 pm

    No, nothing with regard to funeral arrangements yet.

    Join date : 2010-12-25

    Lowergate has died. Empty Re: Lowergate has died.

    Post  deadagaindave Fri Sep 28, 2012 3:38 am

    Lowergate, (John Dixon) will be laid at rest in his home, 21 Lowergate Clitheroe; surrounded by mementoes of his achievements, from 5.00 PM on Monday the first of October, until the funeral on Wednesday the 3rd of October. Anyone who wishes to call and pay their respects will be welcome. It will be ‘open house’ but if you wish to ring before calling, round the number is 01200 443129.

    John’s Funeral cortege will leave his home at 1.00 PM on Wednesday for the church service at Pleasington Priory, near Blackburn, at 2.00 PM. This will be followed by a service at nearby Pleasington Crematorium at approximately 2.40 PM. Immediately following the cremation service, a wake will be held at a venue shortly to be announced.

    All are welcome to attend any part of the proceedings. Donations rather than floral tributes, can be made to Bipolar UK, Preston Branch, through Alty’s Funeral Service Blackburn, (01254 503240) from where further details may also be obtained.

    Join date : 2010-12-25

    Lowergate has died. Empty Re: Lowergate has died.

    Post  deadagaindave Sun Sep 30, 2012 11:17 am

    Lowergate, John Dixon's wake/funeral reception, will be held at Cherry tree Cricket Club. 459 Preston Old Road Blackburn, between 4 and 7 PM on the 3rd October after the funeral. Many who walked with and knew John are resolved to attend , all will be welcome.

    Join date : 2011-02-10
    Age : 67
    Location : Nelson - the one in Lancashire sorry to say!

    Lowergate has died. Empty Re: Lowergate has died.

    Post  Sunbright57 Mon Oct 01, 2012 3:36 pm

    Thank you for all the up-dated info Dave. Will try my best to go.

    Nice to meet you Dave. Its a shame that us lot only seem to meet at funerals. Keep in touch. sunny

    Join date : 2010-12-25

    Lowergate has died. Empty Re: Lowergate has died.

    Post  deadagaindave Wed Oct 03, 2012 4:22 pm

    A version of Mary Elizabeth Frye’s poem ‘Do not stand at my grave and weep’ which represents how JD will remain with me.

    You can dance on my grave and cheer,
    Dance away, I’ll still be here.
    I’ll be the swimmer against the stream
    Doing things, of which some only dream.
    I’ll be the heckler in the crowd,
    My booming voice will ring out loud.
    Where things run smooth and complacency lurks,
    I’ll be a spanner in the works.
    I’ll let no misery hold sway.
    I’ll blaze a rainbow, when skies are grey.
    And I will be there when you turn off the light
    To send you laughing, into the night.

    Join date : 2010-12-25

    Lowergate has died. Empty Re: Lowergate has died.

    Post  deadagaindave Sun Oct 07, 2012 5:44 am

    A poem by Firoze Shakir, the momentuous Indian Photohrapher, who is a great friend of ours. John and Firoze took on some pompous nasty forces, in a campaign in which I played a small part. Unsurprisingly their posts were peppered with humour. They were a natural double act, seperated by continents but definitely soul mates.

    John Dixon aka Howlin Dervesh passed away recently one of my very dear friends who saved my muticolored ass from racist poets at Poemhunter .. May His Soul RIP

    i will soon
    be coming
    to see you
    up there
    after death
    poets vanity
    fair at rumi
    you sitting
    cute angels
    on a chair
    you beat
    us all
    you dared
    into a
    that we shared
    you were luck
    sweet death
    had you
    looking into
    the mirror
    a void
    i stared
    you and i
    greatest pair

    Join date : 2012-03-28

    Lowergate has died. Empty Lowergate's legacy

    Post  chris57T Sun Oct 07, 2012 12:34 pm

    I only had the priviledge of spending a couple of days with John. On the last occasion (1st September) he accompanied me and friend Dave on a walk over Nutshaw Hill, Hameldon and Moleside Moor looking at various sites. Dave and I learned so much from John's perceptive observations and insights. He was such an inspiration. He talked about setting up a group which would meet in Accrington and under his coordination start a systematic search of the surrounding countryside for archeological sites. The idea struck us a good one. I imagine it would be impossible to find someone to step into John's boots but if such a group could be established it would be the sort of memorial that John would really appreciate. He is already sadly missed.

    Join date : 2011-02-10
    Age : 67
    Location : Nelson - the one in Lancashire sorry to say!

    Lowergate has died. Empty Re: Lowergate has died.

    Post  Sunbright57 Sun Oct 07, 2012 2:41 pm

    Thanks Dave and Chris. Dave you are very good with words. Chris, unfortunately I don't know much about the Accrington area like John did. I know much more about the Pendle area, in particular Burnley Nelson and Colne. Smile

    Join date : 2012-03-06
    Age : 60
    Location : nr Clitheroe, Lancs, but from Yorkshire

    Lowergate has died. Empty Re: Lowergate has died.

    Post  Annie Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:29 am

    Very saddened to hear of the death of John Dixon. I never met him but he was very helpful with information and his posts on the site were fascinating and funny. His wit and knowledge will be missed.

    Join date : 2011-02-10
    Age : 67
    Location : Nelson - the one in Lancashire sorry to say!

    Lowergate has died. Empty Re: Lowergate has died.

    Post  Sunbright57 Sun Nov 04, 2012 2:53 pm

    Thank you Annie for your kind comment. We all miss John very much, and yes he was a real character wasn't he. As you say, his knowledge and wit was something that no one can match. sunny

    Join date : 2011-07-04

    Lowergate has died. Empty Re: Lowergate has died.

    Post  aveburyantiquarian Mon Jan 21, 2013 5:47 pm

    Only just seen this as i haven't logged in ages, but what tragic news.
    R.I.P fella. Sad

    Join date : 2011-02-10
    Age : 67
    Location : Nelson - the one in Lancashire sorry to say!

    Lowergate has died. Empty Re: Lowergate has died.

    Post  Sunbright57 Sun May 04, 2014 3:53 pm

    Really great photos of John Dixon from the camera of Danny. Nice to look at them again. Very Happy 

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    Lowergate has died. Empty Re: Lowergate has died.

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