The Northern Antiquarian Forum

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The Northern Antiquarian Forum

Archaeology, folklore & myth of Britain's pre-christian sites & heritage: stone circles, holy wells, maypoles, tombs, archaic cosmologies and human consciousness. Everyone welcome - even Southerners!

2 posters

    SD 787 309 Iron/Bronze Age round house et. al.


    Join date : 2010-11-01
    Age : 75
    Location : CLITHEROE

    SD 787 309 Iron/Bronze Age round house et. al. Empty SD 787 309 Iron/Bronze Age round house et. al.

    Post  lowergate Sat Nov 27, 2010 3:01 pm


    Quern stone, pottery, bloomery and round house walling (20 yards Diameter) found Thursday while Wildlife Trust clearing scrub for re-planting.

    Will keep TNA updated


    Join date : 2010-11-01
    Age : 75
    Location : CLITHEROE

    SD 787 309 Iron/Bronze Age round house et. al. Empty ERTHA GROUP VISIT

    Post  lowergate Sat Jan 01, 2011 12:35 pm

    Monday 3rd January 2011

    Ertha Group Field Trip to reccy site

    Meet at the ford on Mill Lane at noon

    Join date : 2010-11-01
    Age : 75
    Location : CLITHEROE

    SD 787 309 Iron/Bronze Age round house et. al. Empty Re: SD 787 309 Iron/Bronze Age round house et. al.

    Post  lowergate Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:32 pm

    The site is at the junction of three streams that form the head-waters of Castle (Hapton Castle c.1280) Clough Brook.

    Investigation of the site will start in May 2011

    & as our group now owns Castle Clough Woods (bought from Burnley Borough Council to be used as amenity woodland with full rights to work and maintain the woodland etc) there is no problem with the investigation.

    The site is intended to be a base for East Lancashire Ertha Folk (we dislike the name 'pagan' as it, like 'druid', have no meaning whatsoever being names coined by interlopers to our Northern Indo-European Culture/Identity).

    An Imbolic 'Welcome Spring Fire Sky-clad Event' will take place on Thursday 4th February from 8pm to daybreak.

    Camping is OK, re: permission Ertha, for all likeminded


    You may or may not come 'sky-clad' - given the time of year most will be wrapped-up well - but - feel fee


    Join date : 2009-08-20
    Location : Yorkshire

    SD 787 309 Iron/Bronze Age round house et. al. Empty Re: SD 787 309 Iron/Bronze Age round house et. al.

    Post  Paulus Thu Jan 13, 2011 8:35 am

    lowergate wrote:The site is at the junction of three streams that form the head-waters of Castle (Hapton Castle c.1280) Clough Brook.

    Investigation of the site will start in May 2011.

    I'd love to come over and help out when that gets going John. We should be able to wheel Dave over aswell by then, with any luck!

    lowergate our group now owns Castle Clough Woods (bought from Burnley Borough Council to be used as amenity woodland with full rights to work and maintain the woodland etc) there is no problem with the investigation.

    That's damn good news! We could do with having the ability to own the Rombalds Moor region ourselves, which would enable much more detailed investigations of the sites than is afforded. We went back up to check out a previously undiscovered stone circle we found up there t'other day (there's 2 of them in close proximity) and got some good images of the place. Nearby prehistoric walling and what seems to be hut circles are close by (all unrecorded) and it needs looking over in greater detail. Mebbe you & the Lancs Ertha team could - ahem! - tickle the ground around it?

    lowergate wrote:The site is intended to be a base for East Lancashire Ertha Folk (we dislike the name 'pagan' as it, like 'druid', have no meaning whatsoever being names coined by interlopers to our Northern Indo-European Culture/Identity).

    Very well said John - spot on! Of all those pagans & druids who like to wear the name/badge, you never seen them at the Apostles or other sites unless it's summer solstice (i.e., warm & dry), or the TV cameras are there. Yet we're increasingly seeing them on TV as being representative of a alleged spirituality which, in all honesty, is little other than a facade or a down-right lie! I've met many of them driving along in their 4-wheel-drive vehicles, wearing their consensus trance notion of Gaia in the plastic smiles of middle-class England. Politically correct knobheads no less.

    We won't be able to get along to the 4th Feb event, but let us know of others & we'll make sure to get along. I'll pass the info onto some quiet folk who should be interested in this.

    All the best - Paul Cool

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