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The Northern Antiquarian Forum

Archaeology, folklore & myth of Britain's pre-christian sites & heritage: stone circles, holy wells, maypoles, tombs, archaic cosmologies and human consciousness. Everyone welcome - even Southerners!

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    The Celtic Cross Mystery


    Join date : 2012-12-06

    The Celtic Cross Mystery Empty The Celtic Cross Mystery

    Post  eric_tull Thu Dec 06, 2012 12:35 am

    Hi I'm new to this forum and I need to run this by people who are interested.

    Firstly let me state that the jury is still out on this. But I've checked the accuracy and it is nothing short of incredible.

    The Celtic Cross Mystery Celticcrosshe

    Read about it here


    Join date : 2011-04-01

    The Celtic Cross Mystery Empty What !!

    Post  happyman Thu Dec 06, 2012 1:31 pm

    This only works if you believe in a flat earth, personally I like curves. I love you

    Join date : 2012-12-06

    The Celtic Cross Mystery Empty Re: The Celtic Cross Mystery

    Post  eric_tull Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:25 pm

    happyman wrote:This only works if you believe in a flat earth, personally I like curves. I love you

    The symmetry is fine so long as you place yourself over the centre.

    I have a modified version which centres on specific sites.

    Calanish and the Broch of Mousa.

    The centre is Avebury not Silbury Hill.

    It fits in with Professor Thom's analysis of Avebury

    Incidentally I hadn't realised until now that the Broch of Mousa is 500 yards from exactly 60 degrees North. A perfect astronomical observation tower just like La Tour d'Alchemie in Rennes le Chateau.

    If you're wondering about the inclusion of Cristianso then watch this.


    Or this longer version about the four round "churches" of Bornholm. Which the Danish National Survey used as trig points. In other words - they're spot on.


    Start watching from 56 minutes in

    Join date : 2011-02-10
    Age : 67
    Location : Nelson - the one in Lancashire sorry to say!

    The Celtic Cross Mystery Empty Re: The Celtic Cross Mystery

    Post  Sunbright57 Sat Dec 08, 2012 11:21 am

    Hello Eric, welcome to TNA. I am very interested in your findings in particular I notice you have placed a "yellow pin" for Lourdes in south-west France. This is the famous Marian shrine and pilgrimage centre where the miraculous healing well is located in the grotto of Massabielle. However, I see you have not linked it with a red line to any of the other sites. I am interested to know why, though, you have put Lourdes on the map. Perhaps you could enlighten me. But anyway, thank you for your very interesting findings, and please do continue to put your issues and articles on here. Someone will always comment on them.

    Join date : 2012-12-06

    The Celtic Cross Mystery Empty Re: The Celtic Cross Mystery

    Post  eric_tull Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:00 pm

    Sunbright57 wrote:Hello Eric, welcome to TNA. I am very interested in your findings in particular I notice you have placed a "yellow pin" for Lourdes in south-west France. This is the famous Marian shrine and pilgrimage centre where the miraculous healing well is located in the grotto of Massabielle. However, I see you have not linked it with a red line to any of the other sites. I am interested to know why, though, you have put Lourdes on the map. Perhaps you could enlighten me. But anyway, thank you for your very interesting findings, and please do continue to put your issues and articles on here. Someone will always comment on them.

    Well if you drew a line from Lourdes to Roslin it will also pass through Avebury.

    At first I thought I could draw the St John's Cross with this half-way line

    The The Celtic Cross Mystery Cross_of_the_Venerable_Order_of_St_John

    But these angles are the ones in between

    The similarity of the word Roslin to the word Rose line is obvious what isn't as well known is that Lourdes is on the Greenwich Meridian. Also what isn't as well known is that Lourdes was for a short period was part of English territory.

    For those who think that Meridians aren't important perhaps they should ask themselves why a French Anarchist at the turn of the twentieth century blew himself up whilst trying to bomb the Maritime HQ at Greenwich. Out of all the targets he could have chose he chose this one. The world meridian hadn't been chosen at this point and the French didn't accept it for some years after.

    The French as we speak are marking the old PARIS MERIDIAN with metal plates and are planting Lime Trees along it.

    This Paris meridian is 350 yards short of 666 miles.

    At the crossing point of the St Michael/Apollo Ley line and this Paris meridian we have the Cathedral at Bourges. (Started by Saint Sulpice by the way) the ratio of the full length of the Paris Meridian to this crossing point is 1 : 0.618. Which is the Golden ratio Phi.

    Why Lime Trees? Of course in Berlin we have the Unter den Linden. What's going on?

    On the cross above you'll notice La Tour d'Alchemie - The Alchemy Tower. This is in Rennes le Chateau.

    Also in Rennes le Chateau we have the statue of Mary in the garden which was paraded around the village on Midsummers Day.

    It is called

    Our Lady of Lourdes.

    MARI - DIEU (Meridian?)

    Goddess Mary

    Join date : 2012-12-06

    The Celtic Cross Mystery Empty Re: The Celtic Cross Mystery

    Post  eric_tull Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:19 pm

    Just a quick line about Marian Visions

    The town of Lourdes is of course famous for the vision on the 11th February 1858 of a “Lady” in the nearby grotto of Massabielle by Marie-Bernada Soubirous who became known as St Bernadette. What isn’t widely known is that Bernadette never identified the Lady as the Virgin Mary herself and referred to her as simply Aquerό, Occitan for “Lady” or even simply “that”. Her sister and her friend were also present and stated that they saw nothing. “The Lady”, after being asked three times by Bernadette who she was eventually answered Qué soï l'immaculé councepcioũ, “I am the Immaculate Conception” a phrase that had only just been coined four years earlier by Pope Pius IX. Normally one only remembers the visions of Catherine Labouré as visions of the Virgin, however she had previously seen visions of the heart of Vincent de Paul. The body of St Vincent, had recently survived the attention of the revolutionists and had been returned to the Rue de Sèvres in Paris on 24th April 1830 which was three days after the arrival of Catherine at that “seminary”. The sisters of the rue du Bac had participated daily at the octave of prayers from 25th April – 2nd May in thanks and large crowds filed past the chapel of the Lazarists. Catherine Labouré, through her priests reported that her vision had returned during evening meditations. She displayed herself inside an oval frame, standing upon a globe, wearing many rings of different colours, most of which shone rays of light over the globe. Around the margin of the frame appeared the words "O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee." (This phrase is repeated by Saunière underneath the pillar carrying Our Lady of Lourdes in his garden.) As Catherine watched, the frame seemed to rotate, showing a circle of twelve stars, a large letter M surmounted by a cross, and the stylized Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary underneath. This vision is reminiscent of the ‘World’ Tarot card, the rings are used as the symbols for the Olympic games.

    This is straight out of Basque mythology

    The Celtic Cross Mystery 220px-Mari_euskal_jainkosa

    What I didn't say is that Lourdes was formerly the site of a Druid Temple. You could do worse than look at Lourdes from Google Earth.

    Join date : 2011-02-10
    Age : 67
    Location : Nelson - the one in Lancashire sorry to say!

    The Celtic Cross Mystery Empty Re: The Celtic Cross Mystery

    Post  Sunbright57 Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:09 pm

    Thank you Eric, you are very knowledgeable and have quite obviously spent alot of time studying this. I have, curiously, just put Grotto de Massabiele on my webblog The Journal of Antiquities a Wordpress blog if you are interested in taking a look at that. You can click on via my profile if you wish and look on the right-hand side for the sites - at the moment I have 96 site pages. With regard St St Catherine Laboure (Rue de Bac) in Paris, I have two Miraculous Medals, one given to me by a friend. These show those stars around Mary and those Latin words you mentioned. I have a book on the Renne la Chatteau and the Sauniere legend called The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail - one of the authors being Henry Lincoln. From what you say, everything seems to fit into place, more or less. I have been very interested in Marian shrines for many years with Lourdes being one of my favourites sites, although there are others such as Fatima, Portugal, and our own Walsingham, Norfolk, equally as interesting. What the Blessed Virgin Mary says at these sites I believe to be very important - something we should heed for the future of the world. Mary said that "the cup is full or overflowing". But we do not know for certain what she said with regard to Fatima - only the Pope knows that.

    Join date : 2012-12-06

    The Celtic Cross Mystery Empty Re: The Celtic Cross Mystery

    Post  eric_tull Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:06 pm

    Sunbright57 wrote:Thank you Eric, you are very knowledgeable and have quite obviously spent alot of time studying this. I have, curiously, just put Grotto de Massabiele on my webblog The Journal of Antiquities a Wordpress blog if you are interested in taking a look at that. You can click on via my profile if you wish and look on the right-hand side for the sites - at the moment I have 96 site pages. With regard St St Catherine Laboure (Rue de Bac) in Paris, I have two Miraculous Medals, one given to me by a friend. These show those stars around Mary and those Latin words you mentioned. I have a book on the Renne la Chatteau and the Sauniere legend called The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail - one of the authors being Henry Lincoln. From what you say, everything seems to fit into place, more or less. I have been very interested in Marian shrines for many years with Lourdes being one of my favourites sites, although there are others such as Fatima, Portugal, and our own Walsingham, Norfolk, equally as interesting. What the Blessed Virgin Mary says at these sites I believe to be very important - something we should heed for the future of the world. Mary said that "the cup is full or overflowing". But we do not know for certain what she said with regard to Fatima - only the Pope knows that.

    I've been studying Rennes le Chateau since 1982 and arrived at this in an unusual way. I was in South Africa at the time and was invited to a Brie (barbeque) at a place called Honeydew. At this same brie was a neighbour of the host who was called (wait for it) Prince Michael of Albany. With him he had a guest who is well known called Lawrence Gardner. Later on Gardner told us all about the new book that had been released called Holy Blood and the Holy Grail.

    Since then I went from being a total believer to a total disbeliever and back again to being a total believer. I think most people became stuck in the middle stage.

    There is more to that place than meets the eye. For those who still buy into the mainstream media hit pieces let me give you some facts they don't tell you.

    Forget the bloodline hype - it's a Honey Pot to tie up researchers into the wrong place.

    Sauniere was not the only priest receiving large amounts of money.
    Another priest nearby gave a sum of money for the renovation of a former Nunnery that once held Cathar women for "re-education" this sum was 7 million francs. To put this into perspective the Eiffel Tower cost 8 million francs.
    And yet another priest built a sort of spiritual adventure play ground (for want of a better description). The Catholic Church dynamited this.

    All these priests including Sauniere are now buried in unconsecrated ground.

    Sauniere was an HONOURED guest at a Martinist meeting in Lyon.

    Sauniere received letters from Montpelier about an island called Maguelone. The letters involve the worship of ISIS.
    The island is near Saint Maires de la Mer where, legend has it, (and they are strong, very strong) Mary Magdalene is supposed to have landed with several others.

    But back to Lourdes

    Sauniere placed in his garden a statue called Our Lady of Lourdes.

    Sauniere paraded this around the area on Midsummers Day

    Several of the books from his library have appeared again and they are very interesting.

    I've only scratched the surface here.

    If you want more then go here

    Cromleck de Rennes

    By the way the Rennes research Group was approached by a man some here will remember called Michael Bentine.

    Bentine had been a member of MI8 during WWII this group now disbanded was involved in working with the French resistance in getting airman back to the UK.

    Bentine told the Rennes Research Group not to investigate Rennes le Chateau as it is very dangerous.

    Indeed there is still an unsolved murder there which looks to all intents and purposes like a ritual murder.

    This murder was carried out on Samhain.

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