The Northern Antiquarian Forum

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The Northern Antiquarian Forum

Archaeology, folklore & myth of Britain's pre-christian sites & heritage: stone circles, holy wells, maypoles, tombs, archaic cosmologies and human consciousness. Everyone welcome - even Southerners!

2 posters

    Save The Dales Petition


    Join date : 2011-01-26

    Save The Dales Petition Empty Save The Dales Petition

    Post  tracyreed Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:17 am

    Kelda (Yorkshire Water) and a small company called Tapar are applying imminently for permission for what will be the start of, over the next couple of years, the largest onshore windfarm in England on the edge of the Dales near Harrogate. Yorkshire Water own 80,000 acres of land, so this could be the thin edge of the wedge.

    Please, anyone with Yorkshire connections and a love of the Dales or a dislike of these inefficient and expensive turbines, follow this link - and register. Its a very interesting and comprehensive site. When the planning permission goes in you will be notified and can write/email objections - the more the merrier. Help and ideas will be given with this. An existing one that 'slipped the net' near the proposed site is at present working at 17% efficiency! We cannot allow this desecration of our beautiful countryside to continue.

    Thankyou in anticipation of your help

    Join date : 2011-03-29

    Save The Dales Petition Empty Re: Save The Dales Petition

    Post  Peewee Fri Jun 22, 2012 9:58 am

    Hello Tracy - I think you'll find most people think it's a good idea putting more windfarms up. I certainly do. I've always found people who DON'T want them still own a family car or 2, which sort of makes a mockery of their complaints. If modern people don't want them, they should stop using modern things. We are polluting the earth and they are needed. Put more of them up and put them everywhere. We need them. Cool

      Current date/time is Tue Dec 03, 2024 7:17 pm