The Northern Antiquarian Forum

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The Northern Antiquarian Forum

Archaeology, folklore & myth of Britain's pre-christian sites & heritage: stone circles, holy wells, maypoles, tombs, archaic cosmologies and human consciousness. Everyone welcome - even Southerners!

2 posters

    Banning Herbalism??? - SIGN THE PETITION


    Join date : 2009-08-20
    Location : Yorkshire

    Banning Herbalism??? - SIGN THE PETITION Empty Banning Herbalism??? - SIGN THE PETITION

    Post  Paulus Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:10 am

    OK - so those of us whose central nervous system's aren't allied to the fools who still believe in the lie called "democracy", please take note of one of the most appalling legislative moves being imposed upon the people of this country: the European Union is to ban the use of herbs and herbal medicine in the UK, this coming Spring! Those of us who use or supply herbs, be they dandelions, hawthorn leaves, chicory, acorns, etc, etc, will become criminals! The arseholes who are implementing this rule are the Big Business corporations (surprise surprise) - and yet such insane regulations appear to be being sanctioned by the UK government. This has gotta be stopped. Please sign this petition, and email a link of it to everyone you know:

    Herbs have been an integral part of human medical treatments from the earliest days of our species; and they were integral and well understod aspects in the pantheon of shamans in all neolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age and medieval cultures across Britain, Europe and the world. This tradition cannot be allowed to be curtailed by a bunch of fuckwits in some unelected offices in Europe, or the UK. The imbeciles responsible for this attempted legislation will, of course, be ignored by a great number of us, who will continue to collect and use herbs. Please encourage others to support this cause. It is imperative for the psychophysiological health of the men, women and children of this country. We cannot let the new dictators, the corporate Nazis, get away with this. If you wanna read more about what's going on in this brave new world, here's a brief opener:

    Support this cause!

    Join date : 2012-03-06
    Age : 60
    Location : nr Clitheroe, Lancs, but from Yorkshire

    Banning Herbalism??? - SIGN THE PETITION Empty Re: Banning Herbalism??? - SIGN THE PETITION

    Post  Annie Tue Mar 13, 2012 6:39 pm

    Hi - have just joined this site so this reply won't be useful (over a year since your post) but I didn't know about this AT ALL. It sounds stupid - what was the outcome?


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