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The Northern Antiquarian Forum

Archaeology, folklore & myth of Britain's pre-christian sites & heritage: stone circles, holy wells, maypoles, tombs, archaic cosmologies and human consciousness. Everyone welcome - even Southerners!

    Thornton Le Dale Travesty


    Join date : 2011-07-25

    Thornton Le Dale Travesty Empty Thornton Le Dale Travesty

    Post  tricia Wed Oct 26, 2011 2:55 am

    Don't know if this has been mooted on ere before but it was put out on news last niught about Moorland energy determined to plonk a plant on this village in Yorkshire, cos they want to sell the land after making everyone realise the amount of gas they invent can be mined, and create ONLY 25 unwanted minimal as the Pickering one, and they probably can then sell off this prize land for trillions of pounds which is more profitable than mining gas....
    Anyway I have written to Adam White to ask what I can do to support the AGHAST (against having sour gasThornton Le Dale) campaign and have already written to this poor lost soul, Simon (wot another simple simon you may ask---yep seems to make the ditty a bit more true than we thought when we recited it) who thinks plonking gas tanks in the Yorkshire Dales is a good as writing poems and plonking them on there as well...cos you can make a fast buck doin it.
    Please help Simon before he singlehandedly ruins North Yorkshire ......all comments on his blog at

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