The Northern Antiquarian Forum

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The Northern Antiquarian Forum

Archaeology, folklore & myth of Britain's pre-christian sites & heritage: stone circles, holy wells, maypoles, tombs, archaic cosmologies and human consciousness. Everyone welcome - even Southerners!

2 posters

    PENDLE HILL, New Moon Dancing Circle


    Join date : 2010-11-01
    Age : 75
    Location : CLITHEROE

    PENDLE HILL, New Moon Dancing Circle Empty PENDLE HILL, New Moon Dancing Circle

    Post  lowergate Mon Aug 29, 2011 1:11 pm


    The site is located on a raised section of rough moorland named Stoney Bank directly to the north of the Big End of Pendle Hill. The site affords fine views over the upper Ribble Valley with the mountains of the western Yorkshire Dales as a backdrop.

    The form is of a circular raised stone bank some 7ft in width broken only by an entry facing directly to the east towards the Heights of Wheathead and the Pike of Alainsete.

    The raised-banked ringwork has an external diameter of 72ft, and an internal diameter of 58ft. Prodding of the internal floor area with a metal spiked tool in random locations suggests a paved surface at some depth below the turf. Prodding in the centre of the circle suggested a deeper large stone lined pit. Given that the morning turned wet further investigation is needed. A look on Google Earth and Aerial photographs may prove rewarding.

    On my return to Clitheroe I called in at the cottage of a hedge-witch friend of mine, one by the name of Hawthorn, to see if she new of the site. She informed me that she did indeed know the site and that she and her kind used it as a ‘dancing ground’ at the time of the New Moon. In fact, she went on to inform me, she would be off out in an hour or so to mark out the ground with sprigs of Rowen as this Monday night was a New Moon. Men are not allowed at these gatherings and those venturing in the vicinity at such times face great humiliations and are rendered to the fate of Molly Boys, scorned and mocked and later to face self exile to that barbarous place beyond the Pale known as Yorkshire.

    On this day, it being the feast day of John the Baptist, and a New Moon for witches to dance beneth, I give you a poem :-

    Formerly, when they us'd to troul
    Silver bowls of sack, they gave the bowl
    Two spoons at least, an ill used kept;
    'tis well if now our own be left
    For Hawthorn's sisters on yon' moor,
    As all a round men feel the lure.


    Join date : 2011-02-10
    Age : 67
    Location : Nelson - the one in Lancashire sorry to say!

    PENDLE HILL, New Moon Dancing Circle Empty Re: PENDLE HILL, New Moon Dancing Circle

    Post  Sunbright57 Mon Aug 29, 2011 1:24 pm

    Good look with this new site of yours John. I hope it brings you all you wish for. Its a nice feeling to discover a new site.PENDLE HILL, New Moon Dancing Circle 3359579324

    Join date : 2010-11-01
    Age : 75
    Location : CLITHEROE

    PENDLE HILL, New Moon Dancing Circle Empty Re: PENDLE HILL, New Moon Dancing Circle

    Post  lowergate Tue Aug 30, 2011 3:37 am

    It may not be what one would hope it to be Ray. Untill a site is dated, in this case, it remains nothing more than a circular pile of stones, maybe owing its origin to past unlawful enclosures.

    During the 18th & 19th centure enclosures lots went on to radically transform the Northern landscape to the distorted mess we view today. Common land was stolen and the folk reduced to industrial slaves, as they remain today - now though consumer slaves, slaves they still are. Our English overlords hate the term 'Liberty' as much today as they did then - may the Sky Fall In on them, and the way things are going that day may be soon.

    Best regards

    john - Lancastrian, papist & seditionist

    Join date : 2011-02-10
    Age : 67
    Location : Nelson - the one in Lancashire sorry to say!

    PENDLE HILL, New Moon Dancing Circle Empty Re: PENDLE HILL, New Moon Dancing Circle

    Post  Sunbright57 Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:54 am

    Oh dear, don't put yourself down so much John, you're doing your very best and, with every good intentions. Ray. sunny

    Join date : 2010-11-01
    Age : 75
    Location : CLITHEROE

    PENDLE HILL, New Moon Dancing Circle Empty Re: PENDLE HILL, New Moon Dancing Circle

    Post  lowergate Wed Aug 31, 2011 3:19 am

    In the dark of night a bird began to sing
    At the riverhead of the valley
    Earth’s navel let flow the song
    All was ripples
    With nothing rippling across no distance at all

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