The Northern Antiquarian Forum

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The Northern Antiquarian Forum

Archaeology, folklore & myth of Britain's pre-christian sites & heritage: stone circles, holy wells, maypoles, tombs, archaic cosmologies and human consciousness. Everyone welcome - even Southerners!

2 posters

    COMES NOW THE TIME FOR A POT OF DRUID'S ALE - late August, early September


    Join date : 2010-11-01
    Age : 75
    Location : CLITHEROE

    COMES NOW THE TIME FOR A POT OF DRUID'S ALE - late August, early September Empty COMES NOW THE TIME FOR A POT OF DRUID'S ALE - late August, early September

    Post  lowergate Tue Aug 23, 2011 3:13 pm

    Metheglin or 'Druid's Ale' is a spiced or medicated variety of mead, originally peculiar to Cymbre.

    Metheglin, the fermented liquor made of honeyed liquid, is obtained by thoroughly washing the "comb" when drained of the honey with fresh strong beer to hasten the fermentation. Sloes, quice and ginger are added along with freshly ground nutmegs.

    Metheglin, when well made, and refined and matured by age (6 to 9 months), is a "cordial" of no mean order - a homely "liqueur" of potent quality.

    The Blessing of Druid's Ale is held at HENRY'S on the Lizard 'tween the full and the new moon at the end of August.

    I shall finish my pot now as a nearby bed of straw and wool clippings awaits ...

    ..... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Join date : 2011-02-10
    Age : 67
    Location : Nelson - the one in Lancashire sorry to say!

    COMES NOW THE TIME FOR A POT OF DRUID'S ALE - late August, early September Empty Re: COMES NOW THE TIME FOR A POT OF DRUID'S ALE - late August, early September

    Post  Sunbright57 Tue Aug 23, 2011 4:01 pm

    John, where can this ale be obtained from - sounds refreshing. Does it help one to sleep by any chance.Sleep Sleep

    Join date : 2010-11-01
    Age : 75
    Location : CLITHEROE

    COMES NOW THE TIME FOR A POT OF DRUID'S ALE - late August, early September Empty Re: COMES NOW THE TIME FOR A POT OF DRUID'S ALE - late August, early September

    Post  lowergate Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:51 am

    Yes it does Ray.

    Having just awaken with a clear head from a dream-soaked slumber I can indeed testify that it does lead to a good night's sleep.

    In a week or so I will be puting up the recipe for the seasonal 'Pixie Pap Soup' - a delicate dish made from seasonal mushrooms, garlic, thyme and sheep's bone marrow.


    Join date : 2011-02-10
    Age : 67
    Location : Nelson - the one in Lancashire sorry to say!

    COMES NOW THE TIME FOR A POT OF DRUID'S ALE - late August, early September Empty Re: COMES NOW THE TIME FOR A POT OF DRUID'S ALE - late August, early September

    Post  Sunbright57 Wed Aug 24, 2011 10:00 am

    Sounds tasty John, will you be making some for everyone at TNA ?Laughing

    Join date : 2010-11-01
    Age : 75
    Location : CLITHEROE

    COMES NOW THE TIME FOR A POT OF DRUID'S ALE - late August, early September Empty Re: COMES NOW THE TIME FOR A POT OF DRUID'S ALE - late August, early September

    Post  lowergate Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:59 am

    Yes Ray,

    They will be tripping down for a bowl of Pixie Pap Soup no doubt.

    Then tripping well away for sure!

    Join date : 2011-02-10
    Age : 67
    Location : Nelson - the one in Lancashire sorry to say!

    COMES NOW THE TIME FOR A POT OF DRUID'S ALE - late August, early September Empty Re: COMES NOW THE TIME FOR A POT OF DRUID'S ALE - late August, early September

    Post  Sunbright57 Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:47 pm

    Hey heck hope you don't mean trotting away John, surely its not that bad !!!affraid

    Thank goodness for that, had me worried then John COMES NOW THE TIME FOR A POT OF DRUID'S ALE - late August, early September 3359579324 COMES NOW THE TIME FOR A POT OF DRUID'S ALE - late August, early September 3508629458

    Last edited by Sunbright57 on Sun Aug 28, 2011 3:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Join date : 2010-11-01
    Age : 75
    Location : CLITHEROE

    COMES NOW THE TIME FOR A POT OF DRUID'S ALE - late August, early September Empty Re: COMES NOW THE TIME FOR A POT OF DRUID'S ALE - late August, early September

    Post  lowergate Sun Aug 28, 2011 2:43 pm

    I speak above of the mind and all the elusive and hidden passages it contains, NOT the rear end passage and all the good earth it contains and emits in its goodly passing.

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    COMES NOW THE TIME FOR A POT OF DRUID'S ALE - late August, early September Empty Re: COMES NOW THE TIME FOR A POT OF DRUID'S ALE - late August, early September

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