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The Northern Antiquarian Forum

Archaeology, folklore & myth of Britain's pre-christian sites & heritage: stone circles, holy wells, maypoles, tombs, archaic cosmologies and human consciousness. Everyone welcome - even Southerners!

    Standing Stone on Wigan to Ribchester Roman road


    Standing Stone on Wigan to Ribchester Roman road Empty Standing Stone on Wigan to Ribchester Roman road

    Post  Guest Sat Aug 22, 2009 2:14 pm

    Standing Stone on Wigan to Ribchester Roman road

    Today I found a standing stone on a line between Causeway Farm, Riley Green & Causway Farm at Mellor Brook. The stone stands 5ft AGL and is NOT a gatepost or cattle 'rubbing stone' . On one face (much worn) is a boss with arms radiating from it like a cross. It is 1 forearm wide and a hand's deep. I have looked on the OS maps back to 1850 & find no field or other division there.

    The stone stands above Alum Scar & below Close Farm at SD 633 279

    For more info' google LANCASHIRE ROMAN ROADS (Page 4 on LCC site)

    Standing Stone on Wigan to Ribchester Roman road Empty Re: Standing Stone on Wigan to Ribchester Roman road

    Post  Guest Sat Aug 22, 2009 2:39 pm

    Coccio/Coccium is generally taken as Wigan and its distance from Ribchester is given in the Antonine Itinerary as 20 miles. The only known route between them is west to Fulwood and then south via Walton-le-Dale. This totals 24 miles. If there were a route via the south bank of the Ribble to Walton-le-Dale this would reduce the distance to 22 miles. A direct route however (via the Street at Rivington?) would be a better match at 20.5 miles.

    A few pieces of evidence point to the existence of this road. As already mentioned the Antonine Itinerary gives a distance of 20 miles, which fits a direct route (assuming Coccium is Wigan, which is more likely now with the discovery of the remains of a substantial building with hypocaust, in the town centre 2005 redevelopment). On the direct route are 4 occurrences of street or causeway names. The first at Rivington was regarded by Birtill, the Chorley historian, as a Roman road continuing further north along Heapey Fold Lane. The next is at Causeway House Farm at Heapey. Finally at Causeway Farm near Riley Green an old raised road is reported decending to cross the River Darwen below Lodge Farm. It is lost across the golf course but appears further on across Long Lane at Cabin Hill/Woodcock Hill (Ref: Dixon - Journeys through Brigantia - Book 11). Another Causeway Farm is located at Osbaldeston. The direction of all these fits a Wigan - Ribchester route.

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