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The Northern Antiquarian Forum

Archaeology, folklore & myth of Britain's pre-christian sites & heritage: stone circles, holy wells, maypoles, tombs, archaic cosmologies and human consciousness. Everyone welcome - even Southerners!

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    New stone circle on Rombalds Moor


    Join date : 2009-08-20
    Location : Yorkshire

    New stone circle on Rombalds Moor Empty New stone circle on Rombalds Moor

    Post  Paulus Thu Jan 13, 2011 9:49 am

    Here we go again! A few months back, Dave, Bob, Mikki and I ventured onto Rombalds Moor and found, what we thought, was the remains of not one, but two previously unrecoginzed circle on the moors. We got a few images of the sites on our initial visit, but the lighting wasn;t good. So we went back up again t'other day and had another look. One of them is certainly a man-made stone circle, with an embankment clearly visible on its SW, S to SE edges, consisting of the usual compacted mass of small stones. It rests on a slight slope in the land and consists of at least 10 stones, is elliptical in shape and measures roughly 27 feet by 24 feet across. Some of the stones have been set on edge and others have been knocked over. The image here gives you a good idea of the site:

    New stone circle on Rombalds Moor Romsba10

    It is not unlike the Roms Law(Grubstones) circle in nature, but this appears to have no internal 'cairn' or burial as found in that site. However, we aint dug into the site so something may very well be buried beneath the deep peat which has grown over much of the place.

    Nearby are several other features, including another near-circular monument, consisting of low rubble-walled edges, more consistent with Bronze Age settlement huts than a stone circle in a true sense. Dave, Bob and Mikki were also of the opinion that another much ruined/denuded circle is on the same ridge - and Paul Hornby also deemed it man-made when we came here again the other day; but I'm not so sure misself (though would love to be wrong!). More in due course!

    Join date : 2009-02-02

    New stone circle on Rombalds Moor Empty Re: New stone circle on Rombalds Moor

    Post  cropredy Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:20 pm

    I wish I could one day walk about up there with thee lot?, and perhaps see if I could point the way, as such?
    If not I will HOLD TIGHT, until an opportunity arises.
    I know this bit is OT, but I can't help it after reading your post about Dave ,Bob, mikki and I.

    Join date : 2009-08-20
    Location : Yorkshire

    New stone circle on Rombalds Moor Empty Re: New stone circle on Rombalds Moor

    Post  Paulus Thu Jan 13, 2011 2:02 pm

    cropredy wrote:I wish I could one day walk about up there with thee lot?, and perhaps see if I could point the way, as such?

    Well lad, thaz'll 'ave to get thissen up 'ere for a walkabaat sometime soon. You'll be in good company with old codgers and nutters, cos Dave, Bob, Muddy & a few others'll be up forrit. And these lot don't need the daasing rods to find sites - they'll bi using thi noses to seek stuff aht... (some of us 'ave 'em built-in so we find stuff better!).

    atb - Paul Wink

    Join date : 2009-02-02

    New stone circle on Rombalds Moor Empty Re: New stone circle on Rombalds Moor

    Post  cropredy Thu Jan 13, 2011 2:29 pm

    "They'll be using thi noses"
    I now have a mental image of a pack of blood hounds sniffing their way across't moors.
    I didn't realise that stones smelt?
    Maybe I would amuse You as I wander lonely as a cloud across the moor.
    This would make a good monty python film?, You lot sniffing out stones with big noses, and Me walking about in circles.
    But what if We all meet in't same spot?

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