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The Northern Antiquarian Forum

Archaeology, folklore & myth of Britain's pre-christian sites & heritage: stone circles, holy wells, maypoles, tombs, archaic cosmologies and human consciousness. Everyone welcome - even Southerners!

    Megalithic News App


    Join date : 2009-02-01

    Megalithic News App Empty Megalithic News App

    Post  PeteG Mon Nov 08, 2010 3:48 pm


    ArchaeoNews: Archaeology News in your Pocket!

    Are you are a fan of prehistory? Do you seek out the latest news on breathtaking discoveries and the most exciting archaeological digs on the planet? Are you a "megalithomaniac" eager to learn everything about these great ancient monuments? Now, you can get all of this to keep in your pocket.

    The Cartabianca Publishing Company and Stone Pages website are proud to present ArchaeoNews, the first mobile application that brings news about the ancient world to your Apple iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.

    Through the ArchaeoNews app you can read all the news published on the Stone Pages website and access to our MP3 podcasts: a half hour weekly show presented by UK archaeologist David Connolly.

    If you want to know the exact location of that obscure place mentioned in one of our articles, now, thanks to our ArchaeoNews app, you can see the "point of origin" clearly shown on a Google Map, along with (if you own a location information-equipped device) your exact position on the Earth.

    If you only want to read the news relating to your own country or your favourite region then you can select one of the 14 regional feeds on the ArchaeoNews app and as an added convenience, you can also configure the bottom navigation bar with your own choice of available feeds.

    "We have always been fascinated by the latest technologies that bring a deeper and more entertaining user-experience," said creator Diego Meozzi. “The ArchaeoNews app is our next step, it's like having a pocket full of archaeological news," he added.

    ArchaeoNews app is now available on Apple iTunes Store at the basic price of 0,79 Euros / 0.99 US Dollars / 0.59 UK Pounds.

    ArchaeoNews page on the iTunes Store:

    User Guide:

    5-minute Demo Video:



    Note to Editors

    Paola Arosio and Diego Meozzi, Italian free-lance journalists, are the founders and owners of the unlimited partnership company Cartabianca Publishing.

    Since 1989 they have toured Ireland, Scotland, England, France, Wales, Spain and Italy collecting a lot of information about local prehistoric monuments taking thousands of pictures and movies. In 1995, after joining the Internet community, they decided to share the knowledge gained from their experiences visiting European ancient sites. And thus in February 1996 the Stone Pages ( were conceived - the very first guide to the prehistoric monuments of Europe ever to appear on the Web. Since then, Stone Pages has grown to over 6,000 pages and is currently visited by around 2 million people a year.

    Arosio and Meozzi also pioneered many web-related high tech solutions. For instance, in 1997 they started using QTVR 360-degree panoramic movies to show prehistoric sites; in 1998 they started creating blogs devoted to the description of their travels in search of ancient sites in Scotland, Corsica, Apulia and Sardinia; in 2000 their open forum became the first of its kind for all users interested in European megalithic monuments; and in July 2005 they published on the Net the very first podcast devoted to the prehistoric monuments of the world.

    In 1998 they produced "Ancient Stones of Scotland", a multimedia essay (a CD-ROM and website) devoted to Scottish prehistoric monuments. The project was in collaboration with SCRAN (Scottish Cultural Resources Access Network). And now they have created their very first app, which is also the very first application on Apple iTunes store devoted to news on prehistory.

    Cartabianca Publishing offers iPhone app development, photography, multimedia, web design, web hosting and management services.

      Current date/time is Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:55 pm