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The Northern Antiquarian Forum

Archaeology, folklore & myth of Britain's pre-christian sites & heritage: stone circles, holy wells, maypoles, tombs, archaic cosmologies and human consciousness. Everyone welcome - even Southerners!

4 posters

    COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010


    COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010 Empty COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010

    Post  Guest Fri Aug 06, 2010 2:42 am


    To the south of Primrose Hill, by the Roman road below Coverdale farm, an Iron Age/ Romano-British settlement site has been recently discovered. A number of enclosures and hut circles have been identified and recorded. The site stands on a line between the tumulus summit of Weets Hill to the south and the hill fort summit of Ingleborough to the north.


    A grassed hollow-way leads into the settlement and a small stream bisects the site. Circular, rectangular and linear features can be easily discerned and a number of large stones protrude the turf surface of these features. The stream rises as a spring on the southern edge of the site and can be clearly seen to have been once enclosed by regular stonework to form a well. On yesterday's visit to the site we found a number of shards of fine-grained Roman pottery and a fragment of black burnished ware of Roman origin in the earth by the side of the spring. A small amount of slag from iron smelting was also found near the spring. The waters from the spring that pass through the settlement cross the Roman road (between the Roman cavalry forts of Ribchester and Elslack) at a point where the road makes a slight turn before climbing the rise to Brogden Hall. Here spanning the road just above the stream is to be found a large rectangular slab of worked stone some 8ft. in length, 2ft. in width and 18inch in depth. The stone has a chamfer on one edge of its length, and at one end of the face of the stone are two Lewis holes close together set at slight angles. The cobbled surface of the Roman road is clearly visible at this point and the aggar of the road is clearly defined for some great distance on either side of the ‘crossing’. As to the purpose and the positioning of the stone, plus the location of a ‘settlement’ with possible sacred spring at this point one can only surmise and further investigation is needed.

    COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010 Empty Email info from John Lamb (Lancashire Sacred Sites) - today 11am.

    Post  Guest Fri Aug 06, 2010 3:09 am

    The only info I have for that site at the moment is the SMR citation, as follows:
    Email info from John Lamb (Lancashire Sacred Sites)

    Coverdale Enclosures/Settlement, Brogden, Pendle, SD 849 468, SMR No. PRN1918 - MLA1918

    Enclosures, possibly late Prehistoric or Roman settlement, composed of a set of two rectangular enclosures and varied small earthworks, including what appears to be a polygonal feature, immediately on the line of the Roman road (3296) and very close to the site of the find of a possible Roman milestone. Querns have also been reported from this area (PRN 354) and it seems probable that these earthworks represent a settlement of later prehistoric, Romano- British or post-Roman date. The rectilinear features mentioned above seem to overlie one or more circular and sub-circular features, perhaps suggesting a reorganization or reoccupation of an earlier site.


    COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010 Empty COVERDALE - place name

    Post  Guest Fri Aug 06, 2010 1:31 pm

    The place-name COVERDALE means 'rill/stream in a hollow' - British/Celtic 'cau' 'bero' + dale. Coverdale Farm is sited on the upper reaches of Fools Syke that joins Stock Beck below Gilbeber Hill upon which an ancient square earthwork stands just north of the Roman road north of the town of Barnoldswick.

    COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010 Empty Re: COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010

    Post  Guest Fri Aug 06, 2010 1:52 pm

    Pictures of the Coverdale, settlement online at...
    Help yourself.

    COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010 Empty OS 1849 1st Ed. 6" to mile WRY

    Post  Guest Sat Aug 07, 2010 8:58 am

    OS 1849 1st Ed. 6" to mile WRY

    Written on the map at the Coverdale site by the Roman road is the following:

    "Several Querns have been found here" - the cartographer must have been a keen antiquarian.

    All we can say is that the Querns were found some time before 1849.

    YAJ is the next step.


    Post  Guest Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:11 am

    Nearby inviting place-names:

    Stratesergum 1086 Domesday Book (lost), - ‘dwelling on hill pasture by the Roman road’

    Cringlands Hill – Kringelhou 1189 – ‘circle on or by a hill’

    Brettestreet, 14th century, Coucher Book of Whalley Abbey – referring to the Roman road from Downham on into Craven, thought then to be an old pre-Conquest British road.

    Elfhou, c.1300, - ‘elf mound’ – lost burial mound


    Join date : 2009-08-20
    Location : Yorkshire

    COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010 Empty Re: COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010

    Post  Paulus Tue Aug 10, 2010 6:46 pm

    Hi John!

    lowergate wrote:
    Nearby inviting place-names:
    Cringlands Hill – Kringelhou 1189 – ‘circle on or by a hill’

    I really like this one! It's as likely to be a "circle by a tomb" (& variants thereof), or "meeting circle", as in a moot site, if the hou derives from the A-S. WhereTF is this place - any ideas? It's gotta be a high priority site to check out when we get back from Scotland. bounce Dave - RU out there? Can we go check this place out? Anyone else wanna join us?

    ttfn - Paul

    COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010 Empty CRINGLANDS HILL

    Post  Guest Wed Aug 11, 2010 12:35 am

    Cringlands Hill

    SD 838 469 To the east just behind Todber Caravan Site. A footpath runs through the site from What Close to Great Todber (now 'Foxfields').

    I have not visited the site yet, but intend to in the coming days.

    COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010 Empty Re: COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010

    Post  Guest Wed Aug 11, 2010 6:09 am

    Sounds good Paul. Give us a bell.

    COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010 Empty Gold Amulet - metal detector find 2005

    Post  Guest Sat Aug 14, 2010 12:15 am


    In 2005 a large gold amulet was found by metal detector on the site. The gold was seen to be of Irish origin (ref: J Clayton. 'VALLEY OF THE DRAWN SWORD' - The Early History of Burnley, Pendle & West Craven. 2006, p24).


    COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010 Empty Re: COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010

    Post  Guest Mon Aug 16, 2010 3:36 pm

    A very rewarding last two days survey work.

    Will bring up the results in a week or so. As I stated, 'very rewarding'.



    Post  Guest Tue Oct 05, 2010 1:35 am

    A report of the survey of the Black Dyke/Coal Pit Lane (including coverage of the Coverdale excavations and finds) will appear in the next issue of LANCASHIRE HISTORY QUARTERLY - order your copy now.

    Join date : 2011-10-05

    COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010 Empty Re: COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010

    Post  scocker626 Tue Jan 31, 2012 11:52 am

    Hi, I have been metal detecting these parts for a number of years now and while digging out a small hoard of king John coins around this area I came across a number of flint tools. No other metal objects either Celtic, Roman, Saxon have been found in this immediate area.

    just over the fence heading towards the footpath stile, I have found 3 Roman brooches, 2 Celtic brooches 2 bronze age arrow heads and 2 Bronze age spearheads. I think this area was under water from Bronze age time and some kind of special place throughout the ages for so many artifacts to be found in close proximity.

    I am also the person who found 2 gold armlets in 2004, they were found on Todber hill 15" into thick clay. They were sent to the british museum and rejected as they had a different metalic composition compered to other known Bronze age gold found. I am absolutely astonished by this as they seemed to treat these bracelets with suspition instead of something new and unique. I thought it was a shame for our county as well as BA gold is extremely rare for lancashire.

    Around a 3/4 mile radius I have found many artifacts from the BA and medieval. The only Celtic finds are the brooches and a couple from Horton. I have not found a single saxon or Viking coin or artifact round here.

    If anyone is interested in these finds let me know and I will provide photos.

    p.s. ALL my finds are reported to Dot Broughton the finds officer for Lancashire and recorded accordingly.


    Join date : 2011-02-10
    Age : 67
    Location : Nelson - the one in Lancashire sorry to say!

    COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010 Empty Re: COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010

    Post  Sunbright57 Tue Jan 31, 2012 1:23 pm

    Yes "PLEASE" Scocker do put the photos on here I (we) would love to see them. I have always wanted to have a go at metal detecting and considered buying one, but you do need permission from the owner of the land unless its your own back garden. It must be fantastic when you hear those bleeps and start to dig at that spot. Wowee springs to mind.bounce
    Viking Orm

    Join date : 2011-05-29

    COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010 Empty Re: COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010

    Post  Viking Orm Tue Jan 31, 2012 4:09 pm

    Hi...It would be very interesting to have a gander at your pics of your finds from this area Scocker, including the armlets. Regards Orm

    Join date : 2011-10-05

    COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010 Empty Photos of artifacts found in the area

    Post  scocker626 Wed Feb 01, 2012 1:56 am

    Hi, I am unable to upload files to this forum but I have just created an account at photobucket and uploaded a few photos of finds from the area. I have many more artifacts from the area (probably a 1 mile radius) If anyone wants exact grid references and more photos just let me know.

    I have been metal detecting these parts for many years with a passion. I have never had to go elswhere with my hobby as this area has been very busy throughout the ages. One remarkable period is the Bronze age - from Early through to late. This area has produced approximately 11 artifacts from Axe heads to arrow heads. It is quite unbelievable really considering there are only 2 of us detecting these areas on a regular basis. We have perhaps covered less than 2% of land around here and yet found so many artifacts.

    As I said earlier the BM and finds liason officer dismissed the BA bracelets, but every time I submit a Bronze age artifact I bet they are latest find from very near the bracelet location is another partifact of a late BA axe head.

    Considering the amount of BA artifacts found the BA population must have been quite significant, a thing that puzzles me it the lack of Iron age artifacts. Very few have been found and no coinage at all. Something happened all those years ago round here for there to be a very limited amount of iron age finds....

    I am a bit pushed for time right now so I will continue this later...if thats ok? I dont want to offend anyone as I know that some people dont agree with metal detecting.

    Here is the link to photo bucket, all the photos are not in order as I am rushing - I will tidy up later. I also have reports on some of the artifacts as the scientists were able to carbon date the Spearhead from the wood that came out of the Haft, if anyone is interested in the reports please let me know...


    Join date : 2011-02-10
    Age : 67
    Location : Nelson - the one in Lancashire sorry to say!

    COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010 Empty Re: COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010

    Post  Sunbright57 Wed Feb 01, 2012 10:07 am

    Those photos are fantastic, I'm really surprised how good they look, quite astonishing really. I could pop a few a these pics on here with your express permission. Let me know. Ray.

    Join date : 2011-10-05

    COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010 Empty Re: COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010

    Post  scocker626 Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:27 am

    Hi Ray, sure you can use whatever photos you like.

    All these finds (apart from the gold ring) were found within 30M of each other approximately 200M North of this topic site. The gold Poesey ring was found on the outskirts of Middop farm and dates to around 1460 this is a recent find and is working its way through treasure system. The museum of Lancashire will probably buy the ring as they have quite a few finds of mine there already.

    Another site that has proved very interesting is Middop hall farm. I have had at least a thousand hours here since 2004. An interesting point that I would like to say is that Middop hall farm is split into a few periods in time. Where the hall is now this area dates from around 1450 onwards and half way up the hill towards the Laithe it changes to about 1200 and earlier. Its as if there is a line where one side produces 15-18 Century and the other side 13th Century. The Laith area was actually the center of a Medieval village (not where the hall is now) a few hundred spindle whorls have been found directly around here.
    Other finds around here suggest very strongly that in the 13th century a Religious order lived here. 2 Vesica Seal Matrix have been found, one belonged to a woman called Helina who was about to join a convent (this is what the expert said) also found is a Scallop shell medieval ampulla. Even more interesting and rare was a Priest's medieval Bronze crusible was found here (the priests had three round the neck and contained perfumes for religeous occasions)

    If you look on google earth at the Laithe area you can just about make out a larger rectangle earthwork???

    Would you like to see photos of these finds also?

    I could go on and on anyone interested in me giving an opinion and sharing finds etc?

    I also appologise for bad speling and gramar.......... Laughing



    Join date : 2011-02-10
    Age : 67
    Location : Nelson - the one in Lancashire sorry to say!

    COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010 Empty Re: COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010

    Post  Sunbright57 Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:42 am

    Okay will pop a few of those pics on here. Do you mean the supposed hillfort at Middop, not far from Middop Hall, just beside the lane going back up to the Gisburn to Blacko road. I have that site on Meg Portal. I wondered whether it might have been a hillfort/quarry, not sure really. All this sounds fascinating you must really enjoy yourself out there ! Please put your recent finds info on when you can and, yes, all the rest. We don't mind. Ray.Very Happy

    Join date : 2011-10-05

    COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010 Empty Re: COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010

    Post  scocker626 Wed Feb 01, 2012 12:07 pm

    Hi Ray, thats exactly where I mean. I have been over the hill many many times over the last few years and probably covered at least 75% of it and have not found a single piece or fragment belonging to the Bronze Age. I have got to admit that it seems like a perfect place to have a hill fort and some of the features on the outskirts do seem to be man made (I am no expert in this) I think though that these are actually medieval from the 13th century.

    I will say that 2 Bronze age axe heads have come up around Middop (one early flat axe and one Middle palstave axe) so you never know it could have been a hill fort - but I personally dont think so. The Priest Crucible was found on the hill (only one in lancashire to be found)

    i will keep uploading finds over the next few days, I will also upload a few reports on finds. If there is anything there that you want more information on just let me know.


    Join date : 2011-02-10
    Age : 67
    Location : Nelson - the one in Lancashire sorry to say!

    COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010 Empty Re: COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010

    Post  Sunbright57 Wed Feb 01, 2012 1:24 pm


    COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010 Arrowh10

    Spearhead COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010 Arrowh12

    COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010 Spearh11

    Large Brooch

    COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010 Large_10


    COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010 Arreto11

    Gold Poesey Ring

    COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010 1x1_go10

    COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010 1x1_go11
    Photos by kind permission copyright of scocker626.

    Last edited by Sunbright57 on Thu Feb 02, 2012 10:36 am; edited 2 times in total
    Viking Orm

    Join date : 2011-05-29

    COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010 Empty Re: COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010

    Post  Viking Orm Wed Feb 01, 2012 3:35 pm

    scocker626 wrote:Hi Ray, thats exactly where I mean. I have been over the hill many many times over the last few years and probably covered at least 75% of it and have not found a single piece or fragment belonging to the Bronze Age. I have got to admit that it seems like a perfect place to have a hill fort and some of the features on the outskirts do seem to be man made (I am no expert in this) I think though that these are actually medieval from the 13th century.

    I will say that 2 Bronze age axe heads have come up around Middop (one early flat axe and one Middle palstave axe) so you never know it could have been a hill fort - but I personally dont think so. The Priest Crucible was found on the hill (only one in lancashire to be found)

    i will keep uploading finds over the next few days, I will also upload a few reports on finds. If there is anything there that you want more information on just let me know.

    Hi...I am quite familiar with parts of Middop having owned land on Stocks lane. Would this site be anywhere near here?. If so I once went here with local historian John Clayton near to the old quarry. He is convinced that this area is steeped in history and strongly linked with Admergill just around the corner

    Join date : 2011-02-10
    Age : 67
    Location : Nelson - the one in Lancashire sorry to say!

    COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010 Empty Re: COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010

    Post  Sunbright57 Wed Feb 01, 2012 3:52 pm

    Yes Viking, I believe it is Stocks Lane that runs past the so-called Middop hillfort/Middop Hall. The white house at the top of the road is 'Stocks House' is it not. I have some of the books by John Clayton - they are interesting reads. Another author and friend of mine John Dixon is also known to be interested in this area too.

    Join date : 2011-10-05

    COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010 Empty Re: COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010

    Post  scocker626 Thu Feb 02, 2012 1:52 am

    I have uploaded More photos to photobucket. It's a bit messy at the moment, I will sort better descriptions later. I have a few more artifacts from Middop and I will upload later. Please feel free to ask me questions on any of the finds etc.

    Horton, on the outskirts of Barloldswick is another place that has had a lot of activity over the ages, right from the early Bronze age. A Bronze age dagger found withought the handle around Horton Hall and also a partifact of an early axe head, also Celtic artifacts have popped up here. The most outstanding period though is Medieval. Throughout the entire village and outskirts, medieval artifacts have popped up. The amount is so significant that Horton must have had a large number of houses spread out across the entire village. I am not talking like Stocks DMV but more spread out over a large area.


    oh Ray, please could you edit the Gold Poesey ring as it says bracelet?

    Thanks you
    Viking Orm

    Join date : 2011-05-29

    COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010 Empty Re: COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010

    Post  Viking Orm Thu Feb 02, 2012 12:05 pm

    scocker626 wrote:I have uploaded More photos to photobucket. It's a bit messy at the moment, I will sort better descriptions later. I have a few more artifacts from Middop and I will upload later. Please feel free to ask me questions on any of the finds etc.

    Horton, on the outskirts of Barloldswick is another place that has had a lot of activity over the ages, right from the early Bronze age. A Bronze age dagger found withought the handle around Horton Hall and also a partifact of an early axe head, also Celtic artifacts have popped up here. The most outstanding period though is Medieval. Throughout the entire village and outskirts, medieval artifacts have popped up. The amount is so significant that Horton must have had a large number of houses spread out across the entire village. I am not talking like Stocks DMV but more spread out over a large area.


    oh Ray, please could you edit the Gold Poesey ring as it says bracelet?
    Excellent collection of finds that you have there Steve, some real gems. I find it a little ridiculous that your armlets were poo pood by the so called experts because of their content, but there you go I suppose. Looks like years of graft have certainly paid off in terms of your finds and Im sure that your are over the moon about them too...Well done and keep the faith.
    Thanks you

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    COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010 Empty Re: COVERDALE ENCLOSURES/SETTLEMENT SD 849468 (SMR: PRN 1918) - site visit 5 August 2010

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