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The Northern Antiquarian Forum

Archaeology, folklore & myth of Britain's pre-christian sites & heritage: stone circles, holy wells, maypoles, tombs, archaic cosmologies and human consciousness. Everyone welcome - even Southerners!

    Sun Goddess Carving, Bidston Hill, Birkenhead, Chesire


    Sun Goddess Carving, Bidston Hill, Birkenhead, Chesire Empty Sun Goddess Carving, Bidston Hill, Birkenhead, Chesire

    Post  Guest Thu Jul 01, 2010 9:18 am

    Sun Goddess Carving, Bidston Hill

    Probably the oldest man-made feature on Bidston Hill is this four and a half foot long carving of the 'Sun Goddess' in a human crucificial form. Its name refers to the sun ray design at the feet, which point roughly towards the rising sun at midsummer. It appears to have been re-cut at some point in the past, but has retained much of its original detail. The origin of this carving is shrouded in mystery but it is believed to be Norse Irish in origin and it has been suggested that it could be as old as late 9th century.

    Good description of carvings (5 in all) in BRIGANTIA, Guy Ragland Phillips. 1976. p.6. R&KP

    Anyone fancy a visit sometime - can look at CALDERSTONES (Liverpool) at same time?

    Sun Goddess Carving, Bidston Hill, Birkenhead, Chesire Empty Also from 'net

    Post  Guest Thu Jul 01, 2010 9:33 am

    Probably the oldest feature on the Hill is a four and a half foot long carving of a 'Sun Goddess', carved into the flat rock north-east of the Observatory - it is supposed to face the direction of the rising sun on midsummer's day and was thought to have been carved by the Norse-Irish around 1000 A.D. (See images below) Another ancient carving of a horse can be found on the bare rock north of the Observatory, just before the path turns down to Bidston Village. Other, more rock carvings can be seen on the vertical rock face just south of the Observatory.

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