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The Northern Antiquarian Forum

Archaeology, folklore & myth of Britain's pre-christian sites & heritage: stone circles, holy wells, maypoles, tombs, archaic cosmologies and human consciousness. Everyone welcome - even Southerners!

    Conceiving God - Lewis-Williams


    Conceiving God - Lewis-Williams Empty Conceiving God - Lewis-Williams

    Post  Guest Mon Dec 14, 2009 1:54 am

    Conceiving God: The Cognitive Origin and Evolution of Religion

    by David Lewis-Williams

    Publication date March 2010

    A must to read - contains recent research by Jennifer L Dornan/re: cultural neurophenomenology.

    Join date : 2009-08-20
    Location : Yorkshire

    Conceiving God - Lewis-Williams Empty Re: Conceiving God - Lewis-Williams

    Post  Paulus Wed Dec 16, 2009 1:25 pm

    lowergate wrote:Conceiving God: The Cognitive Origin and Evolution of Religion

    by David Lewis-Williams

    Publication date March 2010

    A must to read - contains recent research by Jennifer L Dornan/re: cultural neurophenomenology.

    Hmmmm....sounds worthwhile! I'll certainly have to get misself a copy & give it a go.

    I assume that he's gonna be continuing his theme along the development of early symbols via neurology. And whilst I like reading this material, I've gotta say I don't go along with everything he says - certainly when it comes to the explanation to cover the creation of all rock-art. However, the spin-off his work has created, by opening a lotta people's approaches into other investigative domains has gotta be applauded. I certainly like the way some academic arenas have developed as a result of him & Tom Dowson's original African rock-art research.

    It'd be nice to talk more about the development of this approach a lot further, as there are some very important ingredients here - but they can get a bit bogged-down by the demand of 'proof' when exploring the subjective domains that Lewis-William's material evokes. And when we hit this 'necessity' (I suppose we should call it), we have to considerably widen the parameters relating to our perception of what constitutes 'subjective' domains, without imposing traditional (unconscious) judaeo-xtian responses to arenas that don't 'fit' with what we believe constitutes reality.

    Judeao-xtian/western investigative patterns that explore such domains are notoriously limiting and restrictive in many ways. More recently, I've began describing such investigative purviews as, simply, childish. Some of the criticisms of Lewis-William's work certainly contradict natural scientific enquiry.

    Anyway I'm waffling! Let's see what Lewis-Williams tries to expound. On a similar line (perhaps) is the book Paul Devereux has coming out soon, Mind Before Matter. Let's see what that says!

    All the best - Paul Very Happy

    Conceiving God - Lewis-Williams Empty On Lewis-Williams

    Post  Guest Thu Dec 17, 2009 2:24 am

    Forget the 'acid' side of L-W, for most the main points are:

    He is one of the 1st to take up the issues Colin Renfrew brought up over 25 years ago on the nodal & continuity aspects of passage graves/tombs in relation to long-distance trade and territorial divisions within a 'confederated' indo-European 'society/age' c. 3500 BC up to the late Iron Age.

    These overlapping networks of trade, when sought and interpreted, give us a more realistic picture of how ideas et. al., after germination, spread and aide/codify human economic/political/social evolution etc ...

    The neuropsychological model has to come into the equation - but it is far from the end game

    The 'jig-saw' puzzle we are locked into last lifetimes! - a much better use of 'earth time' than a Rubic Cube or stamp collecting ...

    Best regards


    Conceiving God - Lewis-Williams Empty Conceiving God - Lewis-Williams

    Post  Guest Sun Mar 21, 2010 1:29 pm

    Many I know will hate this book as it devastates much, if not all, of their thinking & ways.

    I for one loved the book, though some of the analysis is on the poor side.

    Cognitive Archaeology is still in its infancy - but it cannot be ignored. Neurology has now entered the equation.

    Well worth a read 8/10

    Join date : 2009-08-20
    Location : Yorkshire

    Conceiving God - Lewis-Williams Empty Re: Conceiving God - Lewis-Williams

    Post  Paulus Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:39 am

    Guest wrote:Conceiving God: The Cognitive Origin and Evolution of Religion - by David Lewis-Williams (Publication date March 2010)

    A must to read - contains recent research by Jennifer L Dornan/re: cultural neurophenomenology.

    A brand new but nice cheap copy of this (check eBid for such bargains) has just dropped thru mi letterbox this morning. I'll let y' know wot I think. Curious that there's no mention of the likes of Charles Tart, Grof, etc., who I thought he might look at. Still, let's see what he sez... Cool

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