The Northern Antiquarian Forum

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The Northern Antiquarian Forum

Archaeology, folklore & myth of Britain's pre-christian sites & heritage: stone circles, holy wells, maypoles, tombs, archaic cosmologies and human consciousness. Everyone welcome - even Southerners!

2 posters

    The Dark Ages - BANNED!


    Join date : 2009-01-29
    Location : Everywhere

    The Dark Ages - BANNED! Empty The Dark Ages - BANNED!

    Post  Admin Tue Dec 01, 2009 6:24 am

    While browsing The Guardian newspaper the other day and reading the story regarding the 'Hoard of gold found' by the metal detectorist Terry Herbert, I was shocked as I scrolled down the page and came to this:

    "It is no longer politically correct to refer to the period as the dark ages" -

    What on earth is happening to the country? this is insane! No

    I hope it isn't just me that thinks this is Political Correctness Gone Mad.

    Mikki x

    The Dark Ages - BANNED! Empty Re: The Dark Ages - BANNED!

    Post  Guest Fri Dec 04, 2009 5:26 am

    Fucking crazy innit mate.
    I propose a revolution and a mass forced exodus for all the pc crew, send em all to Afghanistan for a few months or summat where they can count "collateral damage" or win "hearts and minds" or some other such shit.
    How i'd love them to try pontificating to the taliban.

    "You there young man, doesn't one know the penalty for lobbing rocks at ones wife's bonce is punishable by an anti social behaviour order, desist immediately or i'll have the peelers round."
    *brrp brrrp brrrp*
    "Oh my, it seems the projectiles from your personal defence implement have torn my tweed jacket and punctured every vital organ in ones body, be a good man and have Jeeves call my tailor at once, i shall be the laughing stock of my club attired so."

    Join date : 2009-08-20
    Location : Yorkshire

    The Dark Ages - BANNED! Empty Re: The Dark Ages - BANNED!

    Post  Paulus Thu Jan 28, 2010 5:22 pm

    Admin wrote:While browsing The Guardian newspaper the other day and reading the story regarding the 'Hoard of gold found' by the metal detectorist Terry Herbert, I was shocked as I scrolled down the page and came to this:

    "It is no longer politically correct to refer to the period as the dark ages" -

    What on earth is happening to the country? this is insane! No

    Worra loada bollox! Which fuckwit thought that one up!? Let's have his name up, here. They deserve having the piss ripped out of 'em for this one! Archaeo-Moron of the year perhaps...!? Rolling Eyes

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