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The Northern Antiquarian Forum

Archaeology, folklore & myth of Britain's pre-christian sites & heritage: stone circles, holy wells, maypoles, tombs, archaic cosmologies and human consciousness. Everyone welcome - even Southerners!

    Pendle Witches Pogrom Haunts Water-Workers After Find of Mummified Cat


    Join date : 2011-02-10
    Age : 67
    Location : Nelson - the one in Lancashire sorry to say!

    Pendle Witches Pogrom Haunts Water-Workers After Find of Mummified Cat  Empty Pendle Witches Pogrom Haunts Water-Workers After Find of Mummified Cat

    Post  Sunbright57 Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:55 am

    Click on for more information on this exciting find at what could be Malkin Tower:-

    Here are two photos of the excavated cottage which is thought to be Malkin Tower (though probably not ?). The photos were taken by Mr John Belbin of Colne who has given me permission to put them on here. Thanks John.

    Pendle Witches Pogrom Haunts Water-Workers After Find of Mummified Cat  Malkin12

    Pendle Witches Pogrom Haunts Water-Workers After Find of Mummified Cat  Malkin11

    I have three screen shots of the cottage including one of the cat skeleton found mummified and placed in a wall. To follow.

    Join date : 2011-02-10
    Age : 67
    Location : Nelson - the one in Lancashire sorry to say!

    Pendle Witches Pogrom Haunts Water-Workers After Find of Mummified Cat  Empty Re: Pendle Witches Pogrom Haunts Water-Workers After Find of Mummified Cat

    Post  Sunbright57 Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:45 pm

    A screen shot I took from the BBC's North-West Tonight programme. This shows the skeleton of a mummified cat that had been placed in one of the walls of the old cottage - thought by some historians to be Malkin Tower home of Mother Demdike one of the Lancashire witches. The witches of Pendle apparently met here back in 1612 before the trials and executions at Lancaster.

    Pendle Witches Pogrom Haunts Water-Workers After Find of Mummified Cat  Malkin13

    Join date : 2011-02-10
    Age : 67
    Location : Nelson - the one in Lancashire sorry to say!

    Pendle Witches Pogrom Haunts Water-Workers After Find of Mummified Cat  Empty Re: Pendle Witches Pogrom Haunts Water-Workers After Find of Mummified Cat

    Post  Sunbright57 Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:03 pm

    Two more screen shots taken from the BBC's North-West Tonight programme. These show more of the recently discovered witches cottage and the Victorian range.

    Pendle Witches Pogrom Haunts Water-Workers After Find of Mummified Cat  Malkin14

    Pendle Witches Pogrom Haunts Water-Workers After Find of Mummified Cat  Malkin15

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