Sunbright57 Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:09 am
Well its just the proximity of the house (St Helena) that makes me think the spring/well was originally named for the saint. Though looking at recent Os maps the said house does not now appear to be called by that name. Other than than, a few local people, including someone on TNA recently asked what did I know about St Helen's spring on the golf course. I said I didn't know a great deal and that remains the case. At some point I would like to take a few photos up there. Thanks John. Yes, I'm looking forward to my birthday - my older brother is coming up from Stoke on Trent. He's something of an expert on Roman stuff. Have been trying to get him to come on TNA - but as yet have not succeeded, will keep trying though. Ray.
Up-date. The spring is most likely to be the one at the top end of the golfcourse which is sometimes called Finn's Well. The house or farm building that "used" to be called St Helena is now a converted barn and is not "now" called St Helena. Finn's Well or Finsley Well has recently been turned into a nice little pool in keeping with the bunkers of the golfcourse. The water flows into the pool, at one end, through a square-shaped aperture, and flows out through another square-shaped hole, ie an overflow, at the opposite side. The pool is in-keeping with its surrounds - namely the golfcourse!