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Archaeology, folklore & myth of Britain's pre-christian sites & heritage: stone circles, holy wells, maypoles, tombs, archaic cosmologies and human consciousness. Everyone welcome - even Southerners!

3 posters

    Threat to Tigh Nam Bodach

    Kai Roberts
    Kai Roberts

    Join date : 2011-03-15
    Age : 41
    Location : Calderdale

    Threat to Tigh Nam Bodach Empty Threat to Tigh Nam Bodach

    Post  Kai Roberts Wed Mar 16, 2011 1:35 pm

    I'm not entirely sure of the correct sub-forum in which to raise this, but "General Archaeology" seemed close enough. I'm sure many of you will be familiar with the Tigh Nam Bodach/Tigh na Cailliche in Glen Lyon. I visited it many years ago and it was certainly one of the most elemental sites I've ever had the privilege of experiencing.

    I was thus very concerned to hear that the landscape might be forever disfigured by a new hydro-electric scheme. Whilst renewable energies are of course increasingly essential, I'm sure there are many other valleys in Scotland that could accommodate such a scheme, valleys which don't contain sites of such archaeological and ritual importance.

    The material site of the Tigh Nam Bodach would not be affected, as it is a scheduled monument, but as a microcosmic symbol of the landscape itself, any major changes to its environs would irrevocably alter the character of the monument. Moreover, it has largely been kept safe for so many years by its relative inaccessibility. The creation of new access tracks demanded by the hydro-electric scheme would place it at much greater risk of vandalism.

    More information can be found here with details of how to register your opposition at the bottom of the page. Sadly, there are only two days left to do so but I hope anybody who's concerned by this development will make their feeling heard.

    Join date : 2009-08-20
    Location : Yorkshire

    Threat to Tigh Nam Bodach Empty Re: Threat to Tigh Nam Bodach

    Post  Paulus Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:46 pm

    Hi Kai -

    I heard about this t'other week, and was immediately disturbed by the idea - which is weird for me. I'm one of those people who truly believes we should stick windfarms and hydro-plans just about everywhere. Seriously. If a plan transpired to build a load of energy windmills all over my Ilkley Moor, at the expense of the rock art & other archaeo-remains, I'd honestly say that the importance and necessity of one thing far outweighs the other. Cover the moor in them if needs be!

    But the Tigh na Cailleach site (as I've always known her) truly troubles me...

    It's the fact that it's a living site, of an old tradition still practised - and for that alone if needs leaving well alone. The aspects of the cailleach are still known and living at the end of the Glen, as at other places in the locale - and should remain that way. Any attempt to disturb that site cannot be allowed - though I doubt that will matter. This may sound silly, but I truly see & feel it as a religious violation. Evil or Very Mad

    I've thrown a comment to the planners saying as such, following thru that we could/should invoke the masses of pagans, druids and other folk to make a huge moise about this, but I'm unsure. With the right approach we could form a camp at the site - and I;m pretty sure many local people would be supportive (it's a superb place to those who don't know the region - well worth spending spring & summer camping there!). I'm seeing one of the old people from the adjacent valley next week to talk thru what she thinks. Do you think a more pro-active assault worthwhile?

    Truly troubled - Paul
    Kai Roberts
    Kai Roberts

    Join date : 2011-03-15
    Age : 41
    Location : Calderdale

    Threat to Tigh Nam Bodach Empty Re: Threat to Tigh Nam Bodach

    Post  Kai Roberts Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:12 pm

    Paulus wrote:I heard about this t'other week, and was immediately disturbed by the idea - which is weird for me. I'm one of those people who truly believes we should stick windfarms and hydro-plans just about everywhere. Seriously. If a plan transpired to build a load of energy windmills all over my Ilkley Moor, at the expense of the rock art & other archaeo-remains, I'd honestly say that the importance and necessity of one thing far outweighs the other. Cover the moor in them if needs be!
    Hmm, I'm not generally bothered by wind farms but I don't think I would go as far as wanting to see Ilkley Moor covered by them, especially when there are so many other uplands nearby which aren't festooned with archaeological remains.

    Frankly, I just think the human race should accept the fact that it's living beyond its means and may have to learn to live with decreased energy usage. For instance, that anybody believes it's necessary or acceptable to keep street lights on after midnight continues to defy my understanding.

    It's the fact that it's a living site, of an old tradition still practised - and for that alone if needs leaving well alone. The aspects of the cailleach are still known and living at the end of the Glen, as at other places in the locale - and should remain that way. Any attempt to disturb that site cannot be allowed - though I doubt that will matter. This may sound silly, but I truly see & feel it as a religious violation. Evil or Very Mad
    Quite. It is an entirely unique site and the focus of a continuing tradition which could extend back thousands of years. If it was anything else, I doubt I would be so concerned but there really is nothing else like it in Britain and it clearly remains a sacred site for many local people.

    I've thrown a comment to the planners saying as such, following thru that we could/should invoke the masses of pagans, druids and other folk to make a huge moise about this, but I'm unsure. With the right approach we could form a camp at the site - and I;m pretty sure many local people would be supportive (it's a superb place to those who don't know the region - well worth spending spring & summer camping there!). I'm seeing one of the old people from the adjacent valley next week to talk thru what she thinks. Do you think a more pro-active assault worthwhile
    To be honest, I doubt a camp would be the right way forward. As my dad pointed out, the publicity the site is currently receiving as a result of this could prove just as much of a threat as the hydro-scheme itself. I certainly think representations from local people are necessary, but also from archaeological institutions. I wonder, for instance, if Anne Ross is aware of the situation?

    Join date : 2009-08-20
    Location : Yorkshire

    Threat to Tigh Nam Bodach Empty Re: Threat to Tigh Nam Bodach

    Post  Paulus Mon Sep 05, 2011 4:44 pm

    Got some superb news earlier today regarding this living archaeological site. The plans to build around it have been scrapped thanks to the collective efforts of people like usselves opposing it! Pats on the back and huge handshakes to those who added their words of objection. welldone And of course, a HUGE thanks to those in office for listening to the sincere wishes of the people. cheers We actually can make a difference!!! cheers


    Join date : 2010-11-01
    Age : 75
    Location : CLITHEROE

    Threat to Tigh Nam Bodach Empty Re: Threat to Tigh Nam Bodach

    Post  lowergate Mon Sep 05, 2011 5:12 pm


    At a table in a dim confined space
    it is only a simple raki shop
    stone and cement and labour

    The eyes take in a table
    the laminate top displays a centre
    no, a polished circle

    Chipboard shows a timeworn surface
    polished by play
    ivory oblongs share ebony spots

    Brass rivets aid the spin
    like spots mate
    tabac shared, raki

    "To cross one's threshold is to enter upon a stage"

    ... sometimes we forget this fundamental fact ...
    Kai Roberts
    Kai Roberts

    Join date : 2011-03-15
    Age : 41
    Location : Calderdale

    Threat to Tigh Nam Bodach Empty Re: Threat to Tigh Nam Bodach

    Post  Kai Roberts Tue Sep 06, 2011 12:26 pm

    Paulus wrote:Got some superb news earlier today regarding this living archaeological site. The plans to build around it have been scrapped thanks to the collective efforts of people like usselves opposing it! Pats on the back and huge handshakes to those who added their words of objection. welldone And of course, a HUGE thanks to those in office for listening to the sincere wishes of the people. cheers We actually can make a difference!!! cheers
    This really is excellent news. I heard it yesterday from a friend who'd received a letter from Perth & Kinross Council in response to their original objection, which for some reason I haven't so far. However, they said the letter was very vague about exactly why the planning application had failed and worried that it might actually have been due to a technicality rather than public opposition, meaning it could be resubmitted in the future. Can anybody reassure me that this isn't the case? Either way, what we need now is for the RCAHMS to get off their collective arses and schedule it as an ancient monument, offering it the protection it needs.

    Join date : 2009-08-20
    Location : Yorkshire

    Threat to Tigh Nam Bodach Empty Re: Threat to Tigh Nam Bodach

    Post  Paulus Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:23 pm

    Kai Roberts wrote:Either way, what we need now is for the RCAHMS to get off their collective arses and schedule it as an ancient monument, offering it the protection it needs.

    Good point Kai! If a few of us can email them, bug 'em & get their position on the site (presently some post-medieval bollox) correctly assessed in the coming weeks, it can ensure a long life indeed. But at the end of the day, this present News preventing the construction up that stunning valley is superb!
    Kai Roberts
    Kai Roberts

    Join date : 2011-03-15
    Age : 41
    Location : Calderdale

    Threat to Tigh Nam Bodach Empty Re: Threat to Tigh Nam Bodach

    Post  Kai Roberts Thu Sep 08, 2011 12:50 am

    Paulus wrote:Good point Kai! If a few of us can email them, bug 'em & get their position on the site (presently some post-medieval bollox) correctly assessed in the coming weeks, it can ensure a long life indeed. But at the end of the day, this present News preventing the construction up that stunning valley is superb!
    Well, I received a spectacularly uninformative letter from Perth & Kinross Council yesterday but I decided to be a nuisance and contact them for further information. Happily it looks like although the application was withdrawn by the landowner, rather than actually rejected by the council, this was nonetheless due to public opposition having caused the council and other bodies to express serious concerns.

    The email read: "The application was withdrawn due to a number of concerns being raised by both the Council and SNH in regard to the significant impact on the landscape character of the area which we did not consider could be successfully remedied. Having provided the applicant with this information, they chose to withdraw the application." If they couldn't meet the council's demands at this stage, it seems unlikely that a revised plan will be submitted any time in the near future. So good news indeed!

    However, I still think it would definitely be a good idea to make representations to RCAHMS. Having looked at the criteria for scheduling an ancient monument, even if they continue to regard it as post-medieval (which I imagine would be very difficult to prove conclusively one way or the other), it still fits many of the requirements, e.g. Rarity, Fragility/Vulnerability, Representivity and so forth. After all if they can schedule that bloody iron bridge in Shropshire as an ancient monument, I'm fairly sure Tigh nam Bodach/Tigh nan Cailleach counts!

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