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The Northern Antiquarian Forum

Archaeology, folklore & myth of Britain's pre-christian sites & heritage: stone circles, holy wells, maypoles, tombs, archaic cosmologies and human consciousness. Everyone welcome - even Southerners!

    PENDLE - LUGHNASADA - Druid Meet-up on Pendle, Friday 23rd July 2010


    PENDLE - LUGHNASADA - Druid Meet-up on Pendle, Friday 23rd July 2010 Empty PENDLE - LUGHNASADA - Druid Meet-up on Pendle, Friday 23rd July 2010

    Post  Guest Wed Jul 21, 2010 3:33 pm

    PENDLE - LUGHNASADA - Druid Meet-up on Pendle - Friday, 23rd July, 6pm @ Nick of Pendle

    From Lancashire Druid Andrew Brennand (Lune Pagans).

    "Normally we meet on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon closest to the
    festival, but for various reasons we are doing Lughnasadh a week
    early, and on a Friday evening. We will be meeting at 6pm on July 23rd
    at the Nick o' Pendle car park (near the quarries on the road up from
    Sabden or the A59 near Clitheroe)."

    So if you want to go along and moot with the pay-goons at an early Lammas this is the ven-new for U.

    PENDLE - LUGHNASADA - Druid Meet-up on Pendle, Friday 23rd July 2010 Empty Modern Druidism

    Post  Guest Fri Jul 23, 2010 2:06 am

    Modern Druidism is based on an 17th century idealised image of Celic Druidism and serves only to perpetuate this fancifull and essentially false image, based on REVIVAL rather than SURVIVAL.

    For those interested in true Druidism read:

    THE DRUIDS, S Piggot, London, 1968
    THE PAGAN CELTS, A Ross,Batsford, 1986

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