Getting the message across to everyone as to why we are undertaking this campaign, isn’t always easy. Even people with genuine environmental concerns, aren’t immediately alarmed at the prospect of someone making a few marks on a few rocks. The population of the Earth is so large however, that if we all decided to carve on rocks to the extent that the Stanza Stones gang seek to do, the planet would fairly soon be nothing but dust and gravel. Protecting the environment for future generations, starts with you, and the place to start is right on your doorstep.
Making people aware of the interdependence of all the elemental energies, human, animal, biological and mineral is also not so easy, as the increasing intensity, of ego targeting marketing that is constantly bombarded at us, blinds us to everything but obsessions, with shallow consumerist desires. Often distorting our values in the process, and arming us with a range of excuses and justifications for inaction, and tolerance of the abuse of the Earth.
I find that taking care to outline the thinking behind DEEP ECOLOGY, and principles of the Ecosophy, go a long way towards raising awareness.
Fritjof Capra defined deep ecology by contrasting it with shallow ecology and showing that it is a network concept:
Shallow ecology in anthropocentric, or human-centred. It views humans as above or outside of nature, as the source of all value, and ascribes only instrumental, or 'use', value to nature. Deep ecology does not separate humans - or anything else - from the natural environment. It does see the world not as a collection of isolated objects but as a network of phenomena that are fundamentally interconnected and interdependent. Deep ecology recognizes the intrinsic value of all living beings and views human beings as just one particular strand in the web of life.
George Sessions and Arne Naess draw up eight basic principles that describe deep ecology:
1. The well-being and flourishing of human and nonhuman life on Earth have value in themselves. These values are independent of the usefulness of the nonhuman world for human purposes.
2. Richness and diversity of life forms contribute to the realisation of these values and are also values in themselves.
3. Humans have no right to reduce this richness and diversity except to satisfy vital needs.
4. The flourishing of human life and cultures is compatible with a substantial decrease of the human population. The flourishing of nonhuman life demands such a decrease.
5. Present human interference with the nonhuman world is excessive, and the situation is rapidly worsening.
6. Policies must therefore be changed. These policies affect basic economic, technological, and ideological structures. The resulting state of affairs will be deeply different from the present.
7. The ideological change is mainly in appreciating life quality rather than adhering to to an increasingly higher standard of living. There will be a profound awareness of the difference between big and great.
8. Those who subscribe to the foregoing points have an obligation directly or indirectly to try to implement the necessary change.!/pages/Deep-ecology/108112759216052
Getting the message across to everyone as to why we are undertaking this campaign, isn’t always easy. Even people with genuine environmental concerns, aren’t immediately alarmed at the prospect of someone making a few marks on a few rocks. The population of the Earth is so large however, that if we all decided to carve on rocks to the extent that the Stanza Stones gang seek to do, the planet would fairly soon be nothing but dust and gravel. Protecting the environment for future generations, starts with you, and the place to start is right on your doorstep.
Making people aware of the interdependence of all the elemental energies, human, animal, biological and mineral is also not so easy, as the increasing intensity, of ego targeting marketing that is constantly bombarded at us, blinds us to everything but obsessions, with shallow consumerist desires. Often distorting our values in the process, and arming us with a range of excuses and justifications for inaction, and tolerance of the abuse of the Earth.
I find that taking care to outline the thinking behind DEEP ECOLOGY, and principles of the Ecosophy, go a long way towards raising awareness.
Fritjof Capra defined deep ecology by contrasting it with shallow ecology and showing that it is a network concept:
Shallow ecology in anthropocentric, or human-centred. It views humans as above or outside of nature, as the source of all value, and ascribes only instrumental, or 'use', value to nature. Deep ecology does not separate humans - or anything else - from the natural environment. It does see the world not as a collection of isolated objects but as a network of phenomena that are fundamentally interconnected and interdependent. Deep ecology recognizes the intrinsic value of all living beings and views human beings as just one particular strand in the web of life.
George Sessions and Arne Naess draw up eight basic principles that describe deep ecology:
1. The well-being and flourishing of human and nonhuman life on Earth have value in themselves. These values are independent of the usefulness of the nonhuman world for human purposes.
2. Richness and diversity of life forms contribute to the realisation of these values and are also values in themselves.
3. Humans have no right to reduce this richness and diversity except to satisfy vital needs.
4. The flourishing of human life and cultures is compatible with a substantial decrease of the human population. The flourishing of nonhuman life demands such a decrease.
5. Present human interference with the nonhuman world is excessive, and the situation is rapidly worsening.
6. Policies must therefore be changed. These policies affect basic economic, technological, and ideological structures. The resulting state of affairs will be deeply different from the present.
7. The ideological change is mainly in appreciating life quality rather than adhering to to an increasingly higher standard of living. There will be a profound awareness of the difference between big and great.
8. Those who subscribe to the foregoing points have an obligation directly or indirectly to try to implement the necessary change.!/pages/Deep-ecology/108112759216052