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The Northern Antiquarian Forum

Archaeology, folklore & myth of Britain's pre-christian sites & heritage: stone circles, holy wells, maypoles, tombs, archaic cosmologies and human consciousness. Everyone welcome - even Southerners!

6 posters

    Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks?


    Join date : 2009-01-29
    Location : Everywhere

    Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks? Empty Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks?

    Post  Admin Sun Oct 31, 2010 6:04 am

    This seems a good subject to at the beginning of this section.

    Ley lines were first described as such by Alfred Watkins in the 1920s, following a series of publications, not least of which was his text, The Old Straight Track. Mr Watkins proposed to the world how he had rediscovered a series of dead straight lines laid out across the landscape, linking other ancient sites, and thought they were ancient trade routes. There was considerable scepticism when his books were first published, but the term "ley" or "ley lines" is now ocmmon parlance. Most archaeologists at the time insulted the concept, many even telling that Bronze Age and neolithic man didn't have the ability to lay out long dead straight "leys" in this country. But as more cursus monuments have shown, these archaeological notions were mistakes.

    What do people think of leys today?

    Join date : 2009-02-02

    Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks? Empty Re: Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks?

    Post  cropredy Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:16 pm

    It is My considered opinion that leylines are of universe.
    That they are phase conjugate time reversed laser beams, that they are detectable as been one inch in width.
    I have measured them so by devising a device that I mark out on the floor , and by measuring from oppoisite sides realised that I was detecting the edge of the laser beam, there was a one inch variance.

    it is natural to call them world grid, but I have thought them outwards and inwards in scalar fashion.
    They operate from a central point, alpha and omega, and go out in figure of eight fashion over such distance as to be detectable here as dead straight, this is the basis of time.
    Upon these beams travels a spin charge that turns about along the figure of eight pathway as it reaches it's outer point and returns spinning the opposite direction.
    This duality of spin in scalar fashion is what empowers creation, without the duality in reasonable balance, there is no-thing.
    There is no such thing as nothing, space is where a field of aligned beams exist, thus no creation occurs, as the duality is required to compress together in geometry.

    This all occurs in a universal substance that is perfectly packed, and every finite point of which can be orientated to be anything relative to the unique orientaions involved.
    The substance is perfectly packed due to been multi facetted and can therefore hold multi dimensions of creation in the self same local area.

    Each area of geometric compression that occurs in the laser beams pathways creates unique stars and their planets and moon, all in the local geometry involved.
    , all of these interact with each other within the sea like substance of universe.
    The force in duality transfers about in this fashion always acting under attraction in scalar fashion to the centre point rule, and the field created by each goes out in universe similer to a ripple in a pond of water, but in all spherical directions at once, where these fields meet they stress the orientations and release light, this light is released locally near each created mass, light is not travelling, it is a local consequence relative to the fields involved, hence moon light is different to sun light, there is vibration involved as this occurs.

    This gives ourselves the illusion of seperate created masses, they are not, they are merely locally re-orientated convergance areas, and are switching which is the illusion of seperate movement.
    Everything in creation is switching in this fashion.
    We are not seperate at all, We are empowered to locally switch, again giving the illusion of seperateness and of moving.

    We have leylines as such, they form our unique field, and that allows the creation of our physical bodies.
    That field is in a duality of spin with polar and equator, the polar at ninty degrees to the earths surface, no matter how the physical body orientates.

    When You die the duality of force leaves the physical and thus it sets solid as such until the earths field takes over and transmutes the physical into whatever is relative at that spot, we call this decomposition or rotting, it is not, it is transmutation, or re-orientation.

    The force in duality is the life force, and it travels about in universe, it's passage way locally at death and during re-birth was known by those who built the megaliths, imho.
    And they strove to maintain a local return pathway.

    This may be extremely neccessary during cyclic low flow times to maintain fertility.

    The leyline lasers easily permeate all of creation , but the created does influence the flows on the leylines due to resistance and attraction, the flows are always interacting at all scales and supply at all scales, thus whatever they enable to be created also influences the flows, and the more alive anything is, the more it influences the flows about it, imho , this is the basis of all so called sacrifices.

    the leylines are never altering, but the flows are constantly been influenced in a universal orchestra like manner.
    The whole system is alive, with multi dimensional capability in the self same local, if You allow other dimensions access onto the dimension You are part of, then don't suppose You are top of the food chain, it is the force that matters, not the physical.
    May the force be with You, in a balanced duality, and in such a diameter of geometry to enable You to maintain as You are, to remember how You are, You will forget as the cyclic nature relative to the surface area of this planet evolves, we call this time, and My switching ability to my fingers is waning with all of the effort of pushing these buttons.
    that is all My own personal findings by atuning so precisely to this leyline system and the flows that inhabit them.

    Join date : 2010-11-01
    Age : 75
    Location : CLITHEROE

    Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks? Empty Re: Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks?

    Post  lowergate Mon Nov 01, 2010 4:01 pm

    Good that you have finally honoured the Universe & Cosmos & most importantly YOURSELF THE VERB by becoming a 1st rate writer Kevin

    Keep up the good work - & all my love to U & your family XXX

    Love U kiddo



    Join date : 2009-02-02

    Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks? Empty Re: Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks?

    Post  cropredy Tue Nov 02, 2010 6:54 am

    merci buckets, I did try hard, it is none too easy for me, and wears Me down.
    Yesterday was bizzare, the upper flow detectable at our level stopped at midday , and didn't return right until I went to bed.
    The lower flow thus raised up , imo this was due to less resistance to the emmitting female flow from the earth( I consider that as the flows travel into the planet that they re-emmitt spining in the opposite direction due to the geometric pathways involved with the formation of this planet.)
    We and everything else is fed as such by these dualities of spin charges, and ideally that will be in balance, any dominance of either will be detrimental to the survival and ability to remember of anything.
    If You can overcome the illusion of been seperate , and of anything been seperate in any way it helps to begin to comprehend universe.
    We have evolved ever more into a seperate based civilization, but i consider the megalithic time people were far more aware of the reality of how universe is composed and thus operates.
    I cannot emphasise enough that all is one, one sea of a super dense substance that all in universe is created of in unique orientations locally.
    Our life force is permanately travelling about in that sea, We inhabit local physicality to experience and report back into the different dimensions that We also occupy.
    This is all so way out of the current accepted as to sound far fetched and more like science fiction, and I fully realise this.
    I have held back for years from actually fully letting go with the information that filled my empty head as such, but it isn't in my head, it filled My information field, We are more external to our physical than internal.

    If You view your hands and fingers so called "moving", then try to imagine that they are actually switching about in this super dense substance , and are re-orientating the stuff to be as they remember as they switch, it all happens so fast to our senses as to be impossible to see this occuring.

    I have speeded this up so fast that it appeared as all else stopped dead still, which was very strange indeed.
    I have also tripped onto other dimensions where everything is not as what We experience, and my right hand brain kicked straight in and told me where I was and what was occuring, My animal brain was not too happy, as it couldn't see anything or my physical self, they started chatting to each other , all very friendly but concerned.
    I can't produce a film of this, or a written evidence sheet, but that's how the present system demands so called repeatable verifiable proofs.
    otherwise it is dismissed.

    Join date : 2009-08-20
    Location : Yorkshire

    Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks? Empty Re: Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks?

    Post  Paulus Wed Nov 03, 2010 5:14 am

    Hi Kev -

    The way you're talking about leys echoes in a number of ways the description astrophysicists give to the fabric of spacetime. Do you not think it's jumping-the-gun somewhat? Or have leys become so entangled into the energy-concepts that their cosmic proportions reflect (albeit in a slightly confused convoluted way) simply the astrophyicists notions?

    But if Alfred Watkins was to hear your proclamation of leys, do you think he'd agree? And I know Paul Devereux (who edited The Ley Hunter journal for more than 20 years) doesn't relate to your notions. Would you say that the person who "discovered" them (Watkins), and the person who studied them and wrote more books about 'em than anyone else (Devereux), have either (a) gorrit wrong; or (b) need to look at the fabric of spacetime to get a better idea of the constitution of earthly alignments?

    ttfn - Paul

    Join date : 2009-02-02

    Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks? Empty information

    Post  cropredy Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:38 am

    Imho We can only know what is in the field of information circulating this planet, and that it varies relative to the inputs in cyclic fashion.

    I have just atuned to what is available now, and there is really great alterations occuring NOW.

    I am also one stubborn Yorks tyke, I am not easily pushed off course, and plenty have tried.
    I have stayed firmly and in fine detail to what is detectable, then I seek out what I seem to know, but have never been told or read, but instantly recognise, and the way that occurs is really spooky at times, but nothing is spooking Me, and I seem to have lost fear, if I meet a big hairy monster perhaps I will be tested, but years of working on building sites have prepared me for the worst.

    I realise how just popping up out of nowhere and instantly declaring something totally different must wrankle and annoy those who have studied for donkeys years.
    i didn't ask for this to happen, and had no interest hardly at all, and could do without the almost constant push that I feel to keep going, it has altered My life completely.
    When I said NOW, I mean now, something bizzare is occuring to what I detect, the lower flows (female) are rising due to the incoming (male) almost vanishing, I have timed this occuring each day temporarily and longer at equinox and solstices, but this is different.

    Join date : 2009-02-02

    Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks? Empty Re: Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks?

    Post  cropredy Wed Nov 03, 2010 11:44 am

    I have spent endless time researching a man called TT Brown, He wrote a book called the fabric of space, it was taken somewhere safe, hopefully it will return very soon.
    You know far better than myself that this STUFF We are part of is not how it normally appears.
    I can track a line to perfection, litterally from anywhere to anywhere, and I will not be out at all.
    Imagine having a radio tuned to a specific station, and no matter where You take it, that is the only station it will play, as the radio and antennae are atuned.
    I can stay focussed on anything, or simply re-think of anything and re-atune, I won't find anything else except what I atuned to.
    There are NINE fine laser beams that make up a so called leyline and they cover just over 200 feet apart, the whole thing is to scale though, so that alignment will re-occur after a larger gap, and again after an even larger gap add infirnitum, but they are all different as the geometry is of vortex shape, the vortex is simply created in the crossing geometry of countless lines, and then the content of all of those lines crosses onto the line with least resistance leading into the vortex point.

    Confusingly this all happens in all directions at once, but in simple terms there are vortex implosion points and vortex emmitance points, and they often occur near by each other, and every measurement and angle is to the fibonacci sequencing.
    at the rollrights that distance apart of the two main vortex points is 89 inchs.
    There are 55 sets of nines crossing at one point and 34 sets of nines at t'other.
    This creates a vesica pisces between them.
    Everyone appears to be drawn to the male incoming point, I can split it all apart with ease.
    Four pathways are created by the two points and they went to four barrows, there was more circles involved with the rollright area than the one left now.

    What is flowing for want of a better word is spin charge, and everything is created in the geometry by the fact that these two opposites are there, but right NOW one has taken a vacation.
    I can think this out in geometry involving galatic torroidal geometry, and it is all about how I find the flows switching from line to line, but in a far larger galatic scale.
    For the times they are a changin, now.

    Join date : 2010-11-01
    Age : 75
    Location : CLITHEROE

    Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks? Empty Re: Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks?

    Post  lowergate Wed Nov 03, 2010 2:18 pm

    Hi Kevin,

    Did anything happen at c.12.15 am this morning ? Just a shot in the dark, it maybe nothing

    Best regards & keep the flow vortexing


    Join date : 2009-02-02

    Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks? Empty Re: Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks?

    Post  cropredy Wed Nov 03, 2010 2:59 pm

    Can't remember, I think My collie dog woke me up with her snoring.
    I can't quite puzzle what is actually occuring at the moment, all I can say for sure is that the incoming flow is not there.
    Thus the emittance from the earth is rising, and I can feel it as heat?

    Have You noticed how golden the trees leaves are?
    Down here in sunny Oxfordshire it's akin to New England, totally stunning, and I can detect that the trees are puzzled, they normally have turned around their field directions fully, but at the moment the top flow is on holiday, as such????

    As the leaves are golden, and I live in Cropredy,
    Good job , I have no fear of time.

    Join date : 2010-11-01
    Age : 75
    Location : CLITHEROE

    Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks? Empty Re: Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks?

    Post  lowergate Wed Nov 03, 2010 3:28 pm

    I feel it also Kevin,

    'co' LATIN - to bring together, et. al.

    It's happening - not moving on, but go-ing forward - evolution UNITY WITHIN MULTIPLICITY ... as it goes ...

    Best regards


    Join date : 2009-02-02

    Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks? Empty Re: Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks?

    Post  cropredy Thu Nov 04, 2010 1:02 pm

    Just saw this on the portals STONES section, where they don't talk about anything other than what is set in stone.
    Dare anyone here talk of a common detectable system that is of universe?
    That peoples of all ages in all portions about this sphere have utilised, and that fibonacci measure and sequence in scalar fashion is the measure.
    Like prof Thom this man is back engineering and fitting measure and geometry, and always looking with their eyes.
    The true reality is outside of the visual, the visual is all illusion.

    Join date : 2011-01-14
    Age : 62
    Location : West Yorks

    Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks? Empty Re: Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks?

    Post  animystic Sun Jan 16, 2011 10:58 pm

    Admin wrote:This seems a good subject to at the beginning of this section.

    Ley lines were first described as such by Alfred Watkins in the 1920s, following a series of publications, not least of which was his text, The Old Straight Track. Mr Watkins proposed to the world how he had rediscovered a series of dead straight lines laid out across the landscape, linking other ancient sites, and thought they were ancient trade routes. There was considerable scepticism when his books were first published, but the term "ley" or "ley lines" is now ocmmon parlance. Most archaeologists at the time insulted the concept, many even telling that Bronze Age and neolithic man didn't have the ability to lay out long dead straight "leys" in this country. But as more cursus monuments have shown, these archaeological notions were mistakes.

    What do people think of leys today?

    To be honest, I would have to do considerable work to convince myself that ley lines are anything other than perceived order in a random sample... back in the early 80's I wrote a simple computer programme that was intended to find ley lines given the map references of key landmarks, with a few assumptions thrown in regarding the significant radius for a given landmark... at the time I was convinced, but out of interest I had the computer generate pseudo-maps... randomly create co-ordinates for landmarks... in the randomly created landmarks it seemed capable of finding as many ley lines as it could with points input from an OS map.

    OK, I didn't pursue it any further (really I would need to have tightened up the criteria regarding acceptable assumptions and I would have to have compared a large number of OS maps with a large sample of randomly generated maps with similar ranges of co-ordinates and done all sorts of weird statistical shit in the process) *and* just because I found lines at random through this process does not mean with any certainty that ley lines were not intentionally created, but in the interest of healthy scepticism and on the principle that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence I operate from a position of ley line* agnosticism...

    (*in the sense that arrangements of certain monuments form intentionally created meaningful patterns in the form of straight lines)

    Edited to add: Nun of the above is intended to decry or attempt to refute peoples' experience with dowsing etc... even if the alignments were not to be intentional, they still form part of the psychogeographical landscape....

    Join date : 2009-08-20
    Location : Yorkshire

    Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks? Empty Re: Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks?

    Post  Paulus Mon Jan 17, 2011 6:54 am

    Ey up!

    animystic wrote:To be honest, I would have to do considerable work to convince myself that ley lines are anything other than perceived order in a random sample... back in the early 80's I wrote a simple computer programme that was intended to find ley lines given the map references of key landmarks, with a few assumptions thrown in regarding the significant radius for a given landmark... at the time I was convinced, but out of interest I had the computer generate pseudo-maps... randomly create co-ordinates for landmarks... in the randomly created landmarks it seemed capable of finding as many ley lines as it could with points input from an OS map.

    On the whole, I'm with you on this one Animystic. There was a decent book by Williamson & Bellamy (1983) called Ley Lines in Question that did just the same thing you describe. Although a number of religious ley-hunters weren't keen on it at the time, the text was a good one, as it didn't deny all alignment features. It's curious in this period where archaeologists are throwing up notions of "sacred landscapes" (unknowingly taken straight from the heart of the old earth-mystery schools) how alignment features are being resurrected by some; and, in a number of cases I've read, are highly dubious, though are more accepted as they operate within a dubious archaeocentric mythos.

    Williamson & Bellamy found that some, a small percentage of alignments were truly intriguing (the Thornborough one for example) and seemed to negate the rule of chance. One of the most impressive never got into their text, i.e., the Kilmartin alignment - a truly fascinating line which Scottish archaeologists take for granted (though don't use the term ley, with its historical and NewAge connotations). In all the years I spent ruining maps trying to find a good decent ley, the only one I found in West Yorkshire related to the accurate line of prehistoric sites running from Hirst Woods, Saltaire, up to the Great Skirtful. Bugger all else! There are the numerous astronomical lines from sites, but they're different. And then we have some of the dead straight cursus monuments - circumventing some old archaeologist's notions that neolithic & Bronze Age people didn't possess the simple ability to draw straight lines over the landscape: a belief that says more about those who deny human ingenuity than the subject they profess to represent.

    I'll always be intrigued by this arena though, as 'linearity' as an emergent psychological field tells us much about the development of human beings in old cultures. Don't y' reckon?

    Cheers - Paul

    Join date : 2010-11-01
    Age : 75
    Location : CLITHEROE

    Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks? Empty Re: Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks?

    Post  lowergate Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:51 am

    We go along with Animystic's view

    When traversing undulating landscapes straight tracks go 'out of the window'

    In lowland southern England the idea may hold some validity

    'Earth Energy Lines' are now very popular with dafties (yet they may be not so daft, as many I know make a good living from such gobboloonary)

    Sun, Moon & stars are the best directives + natural landscape features

    Join date : 2011-01-14
    Age : 62
    Location : West Yorks

    Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks? Empty Re: Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks?

    Post  animystic Mon Jan 17, 2011 10:02 am


    It occurred to me after I posted that if one created one or two intentional alignments and then randomly dropped in a number of non-intentionally-aligned alignables (if you get what I mean)... such a map would not stand out against the sort of crude statistical analysis I mention above... so it doesn't exclude the possibility of intentional alignment... it just means that any alignment will need further evidence to be provided regarding intentionality (and that would suggest that such were not anything as common as trade routes)

    Pure supposition follows... but why would our ancestors have to have created a series of straight lines as trade routes?... damned inefficient over uneven ground and they will have had, I would have thought, perfectly adequate navigation strategies from neolithic times, possibly embedded in the relationship between their myth structures and their landscape (please note, my grasp of history is not what it could be... I was always a maths guy... so each time I want to relate hunter/gather -> farming lifestyles I have to go to the interweb, unlike some of you who are more well versed in such matters)

    My instinct has always been that folklore about landscape contains many layers, some of which pertain to local information and navigation information related to seasonal migration dating back to nomadic periods... though over 1000s of years probably lost and distorted beyond recognition... the idea of ley lines as navigational routes seems just too simplistic to me...

    However, I do find it plausible that there exist some intentional alignments... the straight line stuff ... as you rightly say, cursuses exist possibly having some ritual/cosmological significance (I do find Devereux interesting)... if it is the straightness that is important, as Devereux would suggest, it would not be surprising that this straightness or these "spirit paths" were intentionally constructed in different ways according to era and culture...


    Join date : 2009-02-02

    Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks? Empty The Day will come when

    Post  cropredy Mon Jan 17, 2011 1:42 pm

    The day will come when We will re-discover fire.

    And that fire will be spiral based, with a cross formation in four directions.
    We just have to WAIT for IT.
    I cannot tell what isn't yet known, even though I know it, it's not yet time, but very soon it will be, then I can pack My dowsing rods away.
    We all won't need them.

    Join date : 2009-01-29
    Age : 32
    Location : West Yorkshire

    Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks? Empty Re: Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks?

    Post  mikki Tue Feb 15, 2011 5:19 pm

    Kevin, where are you? You have gone quiet! How are thee?

    I need your dowsing skills. Seriously I do.

    Can you please tell me if you know of a tiny village in Lancashire (sorry to all the Yorkshire folk!) called Earby?
    Do you know if there are any ley-lines running through it, if there are any, please can you give me a clue as to where they are?

    Thankyou, thankyou, ta very muchly.

    Mikki xx

    Join date : 2009-02-02

    Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks? Empty Re: Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks?

    Post  cropredy Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:39 am

    mikki wrote:Kevin, where are you? You have gone quiet! How are thee?

    I need your dowsing skills. Seriously I do.

    Can you please tell me if you know of a tiny village in Lancashire (sorry to all the Yorkshire folk!) called Earby?
    Do you know if there are any ley-lines running through it, if there are any, please can you give me a clue as to where they are?

    Thankyou, thankyou, ta very muchly.

    Mikki xx

    Those thieving Lanc's hot pots nicked earby off York's.

    I look in here most day's, but the megalithic world seems awfully quiet now?
    I can hardly walk 50 feet without hitting a leyline.
    They concentrate in geometry terms where the megaliths and later churchs are, there's an all saints in earby so that will provide probably two hundred leylines.
    The church is designed on the geometry of where normally six concentration points are externally to the church, and the church assists in further concentrating the flows along it's roughly east/west dominant leyline direction.
    All saints normally means some really strong flows all meeting there. it's all about small degrees with each degree given a different saints name, I should list them all and show how they vary across 86 to 94 degrees, but I keep getting thrown out of them, they are afraid of odd balls like Me.

    This business of seperate so called leylines is the more mainframe concentrations of the flows, and I have been busy puzzling them better, I am really cracking them now, they are TIME flows, no wonder it's all so secret.
    Time flows in all directions at once, but it circulates every atom it creates with a dual spin circulating system called ANU.
    The flows are phase conjugate , which means they go in both directions at once, the fractional difference in passing each other is TIME.
    Thats why they concentrate the flows to even out TIME.
    But at such as Avebury they were seperating the flows to access TIME.
    I have viewed other times, I can position myself where it matters.

    Join date : 2009-01-29
    Age : 32
    Location : West Yorkshire

    Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks? Empty Re: Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks?

    Post  mikki Wed Feb 16, 2011 12:33 pm

    cropredy wrote:

    Those thieving Lanc's hot pots nicked earby off York's.
    I know they wanted our Yorkshire Puds to go with there Hot-Pots.

    cropredy wrote:I look in here most day's, but the megalithic world seems awfully quiet now?

    It is indeed. T'is cause all the wimps don't wanna tackle the cold weather while out hunting for stones (Except Dave!). They're just sitting infront of their hypnotizing goggle boxes watching Time-Team.

    cropredy wrote: I can hardly walk 50 feet without hitting a leyline.
    They concentrate in geometry terms where the megaliths and later churchs are, there's an all saints in earby so that will provide probably two hundred leylines.
    The church is designed on the geometry of where normally six concentration points are externally to the church, and the church assists in further concentrating the flows along it's roughly east/west dominant leyline direction.
    All saints normally means some really strong flows all meeting there. it's all about small degrees with each degree given a different saints name, I should list them all and show how they vary across 86 to 94 degrees, but I keep getting thrown out of them, they are afraid of odd balls like Me.

    This business of seperate so called leylines is the more mainframe concentrations of the flows, and I have been busy puzzling them better, I am really cracking them now, they are TIME flows, no wonder it's all so secret.
    Time flows in all directions at once, but it circulates every atom it creates with a dual spin circulating system called ANU.
    The flows are phase conjugate , which means they go in both directions at once, the fractional difference in passing each other is TIME.
    Thats why they concentrate the flows to even out TIME.
    But at such as Avebury they were seperating the flows to access TIME.
    I have viewed other times, I can position myself where it matters.

    Can you detect any around this area?


    Cheers Kevin - You're an angel

    Join date : 2009-02-02

    Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks? Empty Re: Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks?

    Post  cropredy Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:52 pm

    I have never tried map dowsing, Mike who posts on the British dowsers forum does.

    If I came there I could plot it all out , but it sure would be confusing, I find nine lines to every so called leyline, they are one inch in width, and they are not vertical(think of pyramids , and the Indian steeped buildings) those nine lines cover a width of aprox 200 feet, then other similer fit into them, often maybe twenty such sets, where another such series cross those at ninty degrees is where the church is sited, then loads more at other angles cross them .
    The basic geometry of a sort of checkerboard layout( think masonic lodges) actually provides rectangles, and the way each one of those rectangles is further divided by the other orientationed leylines provides fibonacci spiral pathways into each rectangle( fler de lise) they spiral in opposite direction in adjoining rectangles.

    I have gone into all of this far far more precisely than I can explain with words, I am at one with it all.
    If You look up outside many churchs You will see lots of strange faces carved, they are sited on where the leylines are, the concentration along hundreds of lines is encouraged along the main aisle, which is sent out in larger geometry from church to church, they sure had classy dowsers setting it all out, but the leg work had all been done many milleniums earlier, I suspect when the system was far more easily and readily detectable.

    There are several repeating series of geometric outcomes with the system, and thats where the megalithic sites are positioned, I have checked such until I am sick of them.
    Sorry , but I can't say more about Earby.

    Join date : 2010-11-01
    Age : 75
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    Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks? Empty Re: Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks?

    Post  lowergate Thu Feb 17, 2011 1:27 pm

    For Earby lay lines/nodes see:

    P.18 Guy Ragland Phillips 'BRIGANTIA'

    Join date : 2009-01-29
    Age : 32
    Location : West Yorkshire

    Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks? Empty Re: Ley Lines: Alignments, Energies or Old Straight Tracks?

    Post  mikki Thu Mar 17, 2011 6:29 pm

    cropredy wrote:Mikki,
    I have never tried map dowsing, Mike who posts on the British dowsers forum does.

    If I came there I could plot it all out , but it sure would be confusing, I find nine lines to every so called leyline, they are one inch in width, and they are not vertical(think of pyramids , and the Indian steeped buildings) those nine lines cover a width of aprox 200 feet, then other similer fit into them, often maybe twenty such sets, where another such series cross those at ninty degrees is where the church is sited, then loads more at other angles cross them .
    The basic geometry of a sort of checkerboard layout( think masonic lodges) actually provides rectangles, and the way each one of those rectangles is further divided by the other orientationed leylines provides fibonacci spiral pathways into each rectangle( fler de lise) they spiral in opposite direction in adjoining rectangles.

    I have gone into all of this far far more precisely than I can explain with words, I am at one with it all.
    If You look up outside many churchs You will see lots of strange faces carved, they are sited on where the leylines are, the concentration along hundreds of lines is encouraged along the main aisle, which is sent out in larger geometry from church to church, they sure had classy dowsers setting it all out, but the leg work had all been done many milleniums earlier, I suspect when the system was far more easily and readily detectable.

    There are several repeating series of geometric outcomes with the system, and thats where the megalithic sites are positioned, I have checked such until I am sick of them.
    Sorry , but I can't say more about Earby.

    Hi Kevin

    Thanks for that. There used to be an old village green (not where the modern one is).
    I was hoping that somebody, somewhere can tell me anything about it. Like maypoles, wells etc that were in the area back in the old days. I have a friend that lives near to where it was and he gets a funny feel about the place.

    Mikki x

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